Gunning for Vengeance (Columbia Pictures) (1946)

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EXPLOITATION RADIO SUPPORT . 1. Persuade your local radio “disc jockey” to run an “All-Smiley Burnette” program featuring the many tunes he has written and made famous. Some of the favorites, published by Broadcast Music, Inc., 580 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y., and recorded by the American Recording Artists, are: “| Hope You’re Having Fun Hurting Me,” “Do You Want My Heart?” “I’m a Stranger Here Myself” and “It’s My Lazy Day.” Get the platterman to mention your showing frequently—a few guest tickets should do the trick! 2. Sell the fast action and tingling suspense of “Gunning for Vengeance” by tagging, two or three days before your opening, all Western action radio shows emanating from or piped through your local stations. “Adventures of Tom Mix” and “Cimarron Tavern” are two such shows. STORE TIE-UPS Pre-sell “Gunning for Vengeance” in the local 5-and-10’s and other stores selling children’s cowboy accessories—lariats, whips, hats, pistols, etc. —and toy musical instruments. Include plenty of stills and work in your credits. SELL THE MUSIC — HOMINY GRITS Start now to plug Smiley Burnette’s latest tune delight, ‘Hominy Grits,” featured in “Gunning for Vengeance” and published by American Music, Inc., 9109 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood, California. Get the music shops to feature the sheet music and the i. record in window and counter displays, supplementing all displays with credit cards. Sone aed Musi yo 5: Po SURRETTE: LOBBY SET-PIECE Make up this attractive, inexpensive lobby set-piece from the stock three-sheet, obtainable from your National Screen Service office. Mount and cut out, as shown at the right, and use it as an advance lobby display, or in cooperating merchant's window, with a selection of action stills from the picture and play date credits. ‘JUNIOR SHERIFF’ Make full use of Charles Starrett’s “sheriff” role in “Gunning for Vengeance” by staging a “Junior Sheriff” election during a Saturday morning show. Applause can determine the winner. Candidates should be nominated by petitions, each bearing six signatures, and giving merits of the nominee. Award Savings Stamps to the ‘Junior Sheriff” and plant a picture of him with a tie-in caption in your local newspapers. THRILLING STILLS The set of 25 production stills, highlighting the action of “Gunning for Vengeance,” is ideal for publicity, displays and contests. Order from NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE. ADVANCE TRAILER This two-fisted action trailer will get your audience keyed up for more of ‘Gunning for Vengeance.”” Order it NOW direct from NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE.