Her First Romance (Columbia Pictures) (1951)

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OOOO OOOO EOE Teen Exploitation NEWSPAPER ANGLES: Your playdate could inspire a number of special stories and contests both on and off movie pages. Ask the editor of the women's page of a local newspaper to discuss in her column the trials and tribulations facing a teen-age girl experiencing ‘‘Her First Romance.” Have her offer guest tickets to readers who submit the most interesting comments on the subject. Plant the question: ‘Do you remember your first romance?” in an inquiring reporter or photographer column. Ask both teen-age girls and their parents to enter an essay contest on the subject: “How old should a girl be before she has ‘Her First Romance’?” CHARLESTON!: Let Margaret O'Brien's danc ing of the Charleston, one of the most entertaining sequences in the picture, inspire a Charleston contest for teen-agers, staged at your theatre on opening night. Ask local schools and other young people's organizations to conduct preliminary contests. Present gifts to both the boy and girl winners. Use Still No. 55 (shown here), 53, 54, 56 and 58 to publicize the contest. MOTHERS-DAUGHTERS: Arrange a forum on a local radio or tele vision station, in which mothers and daughters discuss the subject of teen-age romance: “How old should a girl be before she is allowed to have dates?,” “What time should a teen-age girl come home from her dates?” etc. Too, offer free admission to the first 10 mother-and-daughter combinations to attend your theatre on opening day. CAMP REUNION » Most ofthe action in ‘Her First Romance” takes place in “Camp Chippewa.” Use this fact to sell the picture to every camp-going youngster of your town by arranging “camp reunions’ at your theatre on opening day. Ask the owners of camps which operate in your community to mail cards to their summer charges telling them about "Camp Chippewa” in the picture, and urging them to get together at the theatre on opening day. F ASHIONS: “Her First Romance” is a swell title for co-op ads and "window tie-ups with teen-age shops in your town. In all tie-ups, avoid direct or implied star endorsements of any products except those Margaret O’Brien licensees listed on page 2. COLUMNS: If local newspapers have teen-age columnists, involve “them in your campaign with contests, special screenings, etc. Also contact all local teen-age radio and television programs and work out mutually-advantageous promotions. DANCES: Get local high schools, ’’Y’s,’’ and settlement houses to "arrange ‘Her First Romance” dances for teen-agers in advance of playdate. Offer Margaret O’Brien trophies to the most attractive girls at these dances. Plant newspaper photos. CLIPPINGS: Create an especially interesting lobby display in “advance of playdate by mounting newspaper and magazine stories on teen-age problems around a poster heralding your engagement of "Her First Romance.’ Use stills from the film. BUBBLY BVI LBL IS BBB BQOEBQPEBPEBLQLEBOEBQPEBPOPEBPEBPEBPEBEB PEBBLE BEBE BPI ILI TROM PIG| CAMP QUEEN IN TEN COLUMBIA PICTURES presents MARGARET OBRIEN All grown up and waiting for it to happen in ALLEN HIMMY SHARYN MARTIN, Jr. HUNT MOFFETT Screen Play by Albert Mannheimer Directed by SEYMOUR FRIEDMAN Se Se seat SR Pees SRT emcee statute se Ssteretesetotete ee Set 282-Line Ad Mat No. 208—2 Cols. x 141 Lines IMPORTANT! Be sure to see 588-Line Ad Mat No. 304 (3 Cols. x 196 Lines) shown on the front cover of this pressbook. ART STILL! Still No. Art 1 (heads of Margaret O’Brien and Allen Martin, Jr. in Ad Mat No. 208 above) is available from National Screen. Page 3