Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! (Columbia Pictures) (1964)

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Kelloge’s Premium Offer Backs Yogi’s Debut Film! During the summer and early fall, supermarkets across the country will carry the ''Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!" message on their shelves! Some 45 million packages of Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Kellogg's Rice Krispies will have back-of-package offers of a special premium: a 7"' L.P. recording of the story of the film, and music from the film. Yogi Bear himself tells the story. Kellogg's, which sponsors the Yogi Bear program on television, is supporting the premium offer, and the picture, with special TV commercials on the following national network programs: "Yogi Bear" "Huckleberry Hound" "Woody Woodpecker" Captain Kangaroo" "Quick Draw McGraw" "Mighty Mouse" Work with local supermarket chains in displays — window and in-store! contests and promotions. SHOWN, A ‘‘ROUGH”’ OF KELLOGG’S BACK-OF-PACKAGE PREMIUM OFFER CULV LLL TTL Yogi Bear Buttons Giveaway @HANNA-BARBERA PRODUCTIONS. Inc. For mass distribution—by television stations, by stores handling Yogi Bear products, by supermarkets, soda shops and, of course the theatre itself—these "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear'' buttons! Buttons are |'' diameter, in four colors. Price of $11. per thousand includes rom: Exploitation Department Columbia Pictures Corporation, 711 5th Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10022 HLLITUTLVUVUDUUVUTUOLAGNUOUUVLSA00A UTS CULUUSTUCAUTE UEP For the Family! "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!" is very definitely a ''family" picture, and every effort should be made to reach the adults . . . via special mailings, organizations like the PTA, religious groups, the various women's clubs, etc. HUIUULLUEULUULUIUUELAALL UAL UTLEY Page 2 Lift This Flap For Other Details Of The Biggest Merchandising Campaign In Film History! And, For Additional Showmanship, Aliso See Page 5 And Pages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14! Copyright © 1964, Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.