Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! (Columbia Pictures) (1964)

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VTNTTEUUUVAVE TUTTO TUT UU He’s On the Air—Everywhere! Five important public service TV trailers promoting summer safety have been presented to 650 top TV stations via Yogi Bear's glib tongue and persuasive manner, timed with the summer openings of "'Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!" The safety promotion includes Yogi as star in two minute-long trailers, ‘Swimming Safety" and "Safe Places to Play"; two 20-second trailers, ‘Traffic Hazards" and “Children and Seat Belts''; and one 30-second trailer, ‘Bicycle Safety."' The five TV announcements also carry verbal and visual mention of Yogi's full-length Co lumbia feature. In addition to the 650 television outlets for the trailers, more than 4500 radio sta tions throughout the country have received discs containing Yogi Bear safety spots for the summer season. Ask local TV and radio stations to play this safety material again, if they already have done so... or to time its playing to your engagement of "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!" If a station in your territory has not received the material, and wants it, please send the station's call letters and address to: Exploitation Department Columbia Pictures Corporation 711 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022 THUUTUUTILU UIUC. TUTE Yogi Bear is a Showman’s Picnic! Yogi Bear's reputation as the greatest picnic-basket-stealer in the business—and the summer release of ''Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!'' — permit a happy combination of showmanship approaches, as varied as you care to make them... and as attention-getting! Keyed to the idea of a "Yogi Bear Picnic,'' work the following: PICNIC PHOTOS Offer guest tickets for the best "picnic" photos of local residents, to be used in a lobby board or 40" x 60" display with a blown-up photo of Still No. 19 (Mat I-A), showing Yogi Bear raiding a picnic basket. Caption accompanying display should read: "Warning! Keep Your Eye on Your Picnic Basket When Yogi Bear is Here!" Add picture and playdate credits. YOGI BEAR PICNIC BASKETS Obtain a quantity of miniature picnic baskets for distribution to editors and other localites who can help your campaign. Pack each basket with hard-boiled egg, salt, slice of pickle, etc. And top the food with an invite from Yogi Bear: ''Hey There, I'm Yogi Bear Inviting You to Bring Your Picnic Basket todwios. est cig 2 Theatre Of) .acigass.nk I'll Be There, Waiting to Eat YOUR Lunch!" YOGI BEAR PICNIC RECIPES Ask local food editor to suggest, via newspaper articles or on the air, types of food to be taken on a "Yogi Bear Picnic'' or for picnickers who are ''as hungry as a Yogi Bear!" In addition to other suggestions for picnics, large or small, cooperating newspaper might stage a contest in which readers receive guest tickets for their best "Yogi Bear Picnic" ideas. PICNIC POSTER The ''Warning" approach described at left, along with the same still, might be used in locally-printed posters for tacking on posts, poles, fences around town. In addition, arrange for it to be displayed in supermarkets and other stores where picnic foods and picnic supplies are sold, in service stations, park picnic areas, etc. LOBBY PICNIC Set-up as elaborate a picnic display as possible, in your lobby or cooperating store window. Cover the floor with artificial grass; flowers, real and imitation; picnic table and benches, portable stove, picnic baskets, thermos, etc. And, of course, plant blow-ups — cutout, mounted and colored — of Boo Boo, Cindy and Yogi Bear (raiding a picinc basket!) Accompanying sign might read: "It's a Real Picnic When Yogi Bear and His Friends Star in, etc." PICNIC FRONT No matter what the weather when you play "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!"', you can gain plenty of attention with a theatre front whose motif suggests a picnic . . . a Yogi Bear Picnic! Decorate with artificial flowers, twigs, branches, flowers . . . and, of course, picnic baskets as marquee hangers! Add blow-ups of Yogi Bear, Boo Boo and Cindy in action. Streamer For Toy Store Windows Shown is the 8!I/," x 15" ir window streamer available for toy store promotions, as long as the supply lasts. Limited quantities are available free; state how many you can use when you write direct to Exploitation Dept., Columbia Pictures Corp., 711 5th Ave., N. Y., N. Y. 10022. Note space for theatre imprint and picture starting date. | Page 6 We have all your favorite BOOKS, TOYS, GAMES, NOVELTIES < SEE YoG’S Ny FEATURE! Pa tie COLUMBIA PICTURES presents ____AHANNA-BARBERA PRODUCTION é teem oarenny Yo JOSEPH BARBERA WARREN FOSTER 4 WILLIAM HANIA WILLIAM HANNA « JOSEPH BARRE RK | rn am oat ae DAWS BUTLER se YOGI BEAR DON MESSICK Sm « 800 800 « RANGER SMITH Aten RAY GILBERT 8 DOUG GOODWNE tee tease my MARTY PCO g Ope tear “Wey Misses, WoGibeald . tae ai es ie ar ala thy aa Color-In Mat Print locally for widespread distribution, imprint on cooperating supermarket bags, plant in local newspaper, etc. Work with local fraternity, school editors or other student group in a color-in contest for students, with promoted merchandise prizes going to the best color-in job done by a girl, best by a boy! Art instructors might serve as judges. Order Mat No. Exploitation | (5!/2" x 51/5") from National Screen Service. Cindy’s Parasol Cindy is rarely ever seen without her parasol, and this is as true in ‘Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!"' as it is in Yogi's television shows and comic strips. Using Cindy's parasol as an angle, work the following: Stage a candid camera contest for teenagers and others carrying parasols. Judging might be done by local newspaper photography editor, or by theatre audiences if submitted photos are posted in lobby. Cooperating camera supply shop might devote a store window to the contest, and offer merchandise prizes. Arrange for department store and women's fashion shop displays of umbrellas and parasols, with Still No. 15, showing Cindy and her parasol, accompanying picture and playdate credits. Send around town a number of attractively-clad—and attractive! — girls, all carrying open parasols. Parasols might read: ''Hey There, It's Cindy .. . on Her Way to See ‘Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!" Signs on girls' backs should carry theatre and playdate credits. Release Balloons If local situation permits, arrange with newspaper, disc jockey or television personality to release (with appropriate publicity fanfare!) a quantity of Yogi Bear balloons from theatre roof or other high point. Some balloons might carry guest tickets to "Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!", or lucky number cards; all the balloons should carry complete credits and playdate information. Paper Plates Print your message on paper plates and napkins for distribution wherever youngsters gather, as street handouts, in theatre, etc. Arrange with restaurants and ice cream parlors to use your special Yogi Bear plates and napkins, along with their own "Yogi Bear Special Sundae," or whatever proprietor or chef cares to cook up. Plates and napkins might also be especially packaged for delivery, with your publicity material, to editors, radio/TV personalities, VIP's, etc.