Kazan (Columbia Pictures) (1949)

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TIAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S | GREAT ADVENTURE OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS! Yet underneath was the heart of a dog... that only kindness could bring to light! KAZAN ic STEPHEN DUNNE « na SAWYER BOHNEN and 700 A "7 d upon the novel by Pe) ‘ } H JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD Ne 56-Line Ad Mat No. 202—2 Cols. x 28 Lines with STEPHEN LOIS DUNNEMAXWELL JOE ROMAN | SAWYER: BOHNEN i Based upon the novel by AND ae + JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD A COLUMBIA PICTURE seer eeTarrrrarrere sane eas SNARLING KING OF THE FROZEN WILDS! | Directed dey ALSOP BET COHN aes ean Ad Mat No. 103——67 Lines "Based upon the novel by JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD = A COLUMBIA PICTURE : 28-Line Ad Mat No. 201—2 Cols. x 14 Lines SNARLING .. . SAVAG: : WILD AS A WOLF... SOSSSOSSSSSSS SOS SS SS SSS SSS PSS SS OS POSS OPPO O SSO SO OOS CAST and CREDITS Based upon the novel by Thomas Weyman Trapper ........ George Cleveland JAMES OLIVER Stephen Dunne’ Henri LeClere ...... John Dehner CURWOOD A Louise Maitlin ...... Lois Maxwell McCready ..........:......... Ray Teal , Serie Sandy Jepson .......... Joe Sawyer Bartender ................. Loren Gage a Maitlin .............. Roman Bohnen and Zoro Screenplay by Arthur A. Ross; Based upon the novel by James Oliver Curwood; Directed by Will Jason; Assistant Director, Carl Hiecke; Director of Photography, Henry Freulich, A.S.C.; Art Director, Paul Palmentola; Film Editor, Richard Fantl; Set Director, Ad Mat No. 102—27 Lines Sidney Clifford; Cougar by Curley Twiford; Musical Director, Mischa Bakaleinikoff ; Sound Engineer, Lambert Day; Produced by Robert Cohn. A Columbia Picture. STORY (Net for Publication) Kazan (Zoro), a huge sled dog in the wilds of Canada’s Northwest, takes a liking to Louise Maitlin (Lois Maxwell), whose father (Roman Bokhnen) is extremely cruel. He tries to have the dog shot, but Kazan escapes. Later, Thomas Weyman (Stephen Dunne), game conservation agent, and a trapper, Henri LeClere (John Dehner), discover the now wild Kazan in a trap. Weyman prevents LeClere from destroying the dog, who then runs away. Sandy Jepson (Joe Sawyer), out hunting, wounds Kazan, and brings him back a prisoner. Maitlin, discovering that Jepson has Kazan, arranges a dog fight with his Great Dane, swearing Jepson to secrecy about Kazan being a dog and not a wolf. Weyman and LeClere try to stop the fight by asserting that Kazan is a sled dog, but they are beaten by the disbelieving mob. However, the dogs, instead of fighting, become friends. Jepson, in a panic, topples into the dog pit. Weyman leaps into the pit to save Jepson and, after a furious struggle with Kazan, succeeds in taming the animal. Louise, now knowing her father for what he is, apologizes to Weyman for her hitherto frigid air and Kazan seems to sense that he will now have the right master and mistress. Based upon the novel by j JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD 3 A COLUMBIA | ie > 4 Ad Mat No. 101——13 Lines YE REEKEE 6556 56S556696S5556