King Rat (Columbia Pictures) (1965)

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@ Not since “The Bridge . 1 On The River Kwai” has = a screen adventure provoked so much excitement! starring 32! GEORGESEGAL TOM COURTENAY JAME X -DENHOLM ELLIOTT TODD ARMSTRONG: PATRICK O'NEAL JAMES DONALDassJOHN MILLS. jased on the best selling novel by JAMES CLAVELL « Music composed ie conducted by JOHN BARRY Produced by JAMES WOOLF Written for th d “H COLMBA PITRE Reese" BRYAN FORBES ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK ALBUM ON MAINSTREAM RECORDS ] ——————— NS Ad No. 102—73 Lines | Col. x 5'/, Inches Not since “The Bridge On The River Kwai” has a : $creen adventure provoked so much excitement! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents “KING RAT’ starring GEORGE SEGAL: TOM COURTENAY: JAMES FOX -DeNHoLm ELuotT TODD ARMSTRONG: PATRICK ONEALJAMES DONALD ana JOHN MILLS Based on the best selling novel by JAMES CLAVELLMusic composed and conducted by JOHN BARRY Produced by JAMES WOOLFWritten for the screen and Directed by BRYAN FORBES ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK ALBUM ON MAINSTREAM RECORDS Ad No. 204—198 Lines—2 Cols. x 7 Inches “NOT SINCE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI A PRISONER-OF-WAR DRAMA SO <n gonliades AS ‘KING RAT’?”’ —Rose Pelswick, Journal American ‘Nothing, but nothing, 1s left to the imagination! George Segal comes through loud and clear as the scrounging, wheeling-dealing corporal King!” — N.Y. Daily News “KING RAT’ ONE OF THE BEST P.0.W. FILMS YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! DIRECTOR-WRITER BRYAN FORBES HAS DONE A BANG-UPJOB!” “KING RAT blends earthy laughter with prison camp horror! ROWDY AND WELL-PLAYED!”’ — N.Y. World-Telegram-Sun KING RAT IS POWERFUL! A lacerating film of how evil and sadistic men fighting for survival can be!” — New York Times “VIVID AND SHOCKING! Distinguished by excellent performances!” N.Y. — Herald Tribune. “CHALK ‘KING RAT’ UP AS ab. OF THE YEAHS BEST) a nvisouma-seerteas i GAL TOM COURTENAY st JANES FOX: DevHOu Ewan TODD ARUSTRONG; PATRICK NEAL JAMES DONALD a JOHN MILD rig novel by JAMES CLAVELL ‘ike onducted by JOHN BARRY ; i oad ty “JAMES WOOLF Written for the screen and Directed by BRYAN FORBES A COLUMBIA PICTURES Release arrin GEORGE SEGAL TOM ae Lame ee DENK kM ELL * ®& PATRICK ONEAL: Fats DONALD vs JOHN MILLS Produced by JAMES WOOLF-Written for the screen and Directed by BRYAN FORBE Based on the best selling novel by JAMES CLAVELL: Music composed and conducted by JOHN BES A COLUMBIA PICTURES Release { ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK ALBUM ON MAINSTREAM ; RECORDS | EE FS NY ETE TOTES ST Ad No. 203—1!00 Lines—2 Cols. x 31/ Inches Page 5