Life at the Top (Columbia Pictures) (1965)

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“LIFE AT IS ‘TOPS!.. A more than worthy sequel to ‘Room At The Top’!” —JUDITH CRIST, N.Y. Herald Tribune | “OUTSPOKEN .. eee that marital a ees os “4 ways!” CHER WINSTEN, N.Y. Post he actors appeared les! Laurence Har3 flawless!” XROLL, N.Y. Daily News “TLM ... igor and ucprayity Ot 1ts predecessor!” —ALTON COOK, N.Y. World Telegram “SHARPLY ETCHED.. well played by an excellent cast!” —BOSLEY CROWTHER, N.Y. Times “ABSORBING...WELL DONE!” —HOLLIS ALPERT, Saturday Review Laurence Harvey-Jean Simmons Honor Blackman Michael Craig ‘Life AtThe Top” From the author of “Room At The Top’! DONALD Wotetr MORDECAT RICHLER “JOHN BRAINE JAMES WOOLF TED KOTCHEFF pedicles ac A ROMULUS PRODUCTION A Royal Films International Release «=: THEATRE Ad No. 206—244 Lines—2 Cols. x 8!/, Inches Now, from He aie or of caurence HARVEY “Room at the Top”, JEAN SIMMONS an even more startling yonor BLACKMAN exposé of life and love! wmcuaci GRAIG Ad No. 201—98 Lines—2 Cols. x 31/5 Inches THE TOP’ I tts Orchids and Life At Champagne (illest Top is at the Top Tops!” the more ic they live it up & : the more they have to live down! vunence HARVEY sean SIMMONS Honor BLAGKMAN That”Pussy Galore” MICHAEL CRAIF "Life At The Top DONALD WOLFT-ORDECA REHLER= HN BRANE=\AMES WOOL TED KOTCHER A ROMULUS PRODUCTION A Royal Films International Release From the author of “Room At The Top"! nner Ad No. 204—200 Lines—2 Cols. x 7!/g Inches LIFE AT THE TOP Is TOPS: ~JUDITH CRIST, N.Y. HERALD TRIBUNE “ONE OF THE YEAR’S 10 BEST!” — Saturday Review LAURENCE HARVEY: JEAN SIMMONS HONOR BLACKMAN: ‘MICHAEL CRAIG LIFE AT THE TOP” as. sarny DONALD WOLFIT seeny MORDECAI RICHLER Based on “CD ra BRAINE Produced by JAMES WOOLF : SiGe Meee gare ees Directed by HEFF-A ROMULUS PRODUCTION : A Royal Films International Release ae EATR E UU OOO USO rk rie Ad No. 205—148 Lines—2 Cols. x 5!/, Inches Page 3