Life at the Top (Columbia Pictures) (1965)

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THREE OPEN-END INTERVIEWS With ‘Life at the Top’ stars Laurence Harvey, Jean Simmons and Honor Blackman! Open-end interviews for your radio planting, with mimeographed scripts for local commentator! Plant with important disc jockeys in your area and other radio personalities! Order from Royal Films International, 71 | 5th Ave., N. Y., N. Y. 10022. ‘Life At The Top’ Selling Aids TV TRAILERS: For different time spots in TV campaign, with space for local announcer to add on theatre and playdate information. Also a final freeze for super-imposed visual credits, if desired. Order direct from: Exploitation Dept., Royal Films International, 711 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022. TELOPS: Information about telops, style and prices, may be obtained by writing direct to QQ Title Card Co., 247 W. 46th Street, New York, N. Y. 10036. TRANSCRIPTIONS: A variety of spot announcements, all open end for local commentator to add theatre credits. Available on a single disc. Order from Royal Films International, 711 5 Ave., N. Y. 22, N. Y. NATIONAL FLAG DISPLAYS: 3 pc. Streamer, $21.50; De Luxe Sectional Valance, $2.15 per running foot — minimum length, |0 feet; Usher Badges, 50c; 9’ x 12' Flags or Wall Banners, single-faced, $80., double-faced, $145. Order from National Screen Service. D'Wouer-woroécit RIGHLER JOH 6-SHEET RAINE JAMES WOOLF -TED KOTCHEEF ULUS PRODUCTI ON: “A Royal Filins International Release 1-SHEET ~ HONDR ons BLACKMAN woes CRAIG 2 og 3 a orohis e SIX SHEET SHEET | The more they live it up the more they | have to live. down! | —LpuRENee | RARE rs BLACKMAN MICHAEL ACCESSORIES e SLIDE e THREE SHEET e EIGHT I! x 14's e ONE SHEET e TRAILER e INSERT CARD e UTILITY MAT e STILL SETS 22 x 28 e 30x 40, 40 x 60, 24x 60, 24 x 82 Order Ali Accessories From National Screen PRINTED IN U. S. A.