Lost Command (Columbia Pictures) (1968)

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—THEY LIVED AND LOVED AND FOUGHT... in the most COLUMBIA PICTURES presents exciting ANTHONY ALAIN en QUINN = DELON wor GEORGE SEGAL fen MICHELE MORGAN MAURICE ONE =» CARDINALE Sa tit tt Bik ky PANAVISION’ -COLUMBIACOLOR Screen Ad No. 203—250 Lines—2 Cols. x 9 iiahes ACROSS THREE CONTINENTS THE PARATROOPERS OF THE “LOST COMMAND” BLAZED A PATH OF TRIUMPH! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents MN AAP INN LON Nd IRGESERAL : WHEE MORO ff’ wun“ * / CLAUD CARDINAL as AICHA TN PANAVISION’: COLUMBIACOLOR With Screenplay by “The Centurions’by Musicby Associate Producer Ad No. 207—134 Lines—2 Cols. x 434 Inches COLUMBIA PICTURES presents ANTHONY QUINN ALAIN DELON GEORGE SEGAL MICHELE MORGAN MAURICE nn — Out of the poles Bes: _ of the famed best-seller..... a drama of love and war that _ scales the yong