Major Dundee (Columbia Pictures) (1965)

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Ad No. 404— 572 Lines— 4 Cols. x 107 Inches COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A JERRY BRESLER Production Screenplay by HARRY JULIAN FINK, OSCAR SAUL and SAM PECKINPAH Story by HARRY JULIAN FINK Produced by JERRY BRESLER * Directed by SAM PECKINPAH Music Composed by DANIELE AMFITHEATROF FILMED IN PANAVISION® COLOR HEAR ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK AND MITCH MiLLER’S “Masor DuNDEE THEME” OW CoLumBiA RECORDS! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A JERRY BRESLER Production Beautiful Teresa... She made men forget the heat of battle! The Baby-Faced Bugler, ie He killed his first enemy and kissed his first woman! One-Armed Sam Potts... His passions were whiskey and slaughter! Confederate Captain Tyreen ie Lieutenant Graham... He learned to kill with fiery vengeance! Union Major Dundee... Commanded a regiment of | renegades and deserters! Swore to kill the man he called commander! starring | cael by HARRY JULIAN FINK OSCAR SAUL ant 4 SAN PECKINPAH Story by HARRY JULIAN FINK Produced by JERRY BRESLER Directed by SAM PECKINPAH Music Composed by DANIELE AMFITHEATROFFILMED IN PANAVISION® «COLOR HEAR ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK AWD MITCH MILLER’S “MAJOR DUNDEE THEME” ON COLUMBIA RECORDS! Union Major And Confederate Captain ~\ Fighting Side By Side Like Devils! : COLUMBIA PICTURES presents A JERRY BRESLER oT ‘a FILMED IN PANAVISION®COLOR ajor Dundee ————_Caizon Heston Reo Elana Jos Turron Jes Coote Mirae, Aarau __ no owe BrcxPes SABER Ad No. 302—198 Lines—3 Cols. x 434 Inches Ad No. 102—56 Lines | Col. x 4 Inches Page 5