Me and the Colonel (Columbia Pictures) (1958)

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Page 2 IN ME AND THE COLONEL” ME IS [I .anai is Danny Kaye. The Colonel is he and he is Curt Jurgens... Now she is the Colonel’s lady and the Colonel’s lady is Nicole Maurey, anybody’s cup of C. Now he likes her because she’s beautiful and he hates me because I was born. I like her because she is she and I like him because I can’t afford not to. Fate (played by Fate) flings us together on a harrowing run for our suddenly interlocked lives. What happens then, we hope you will agree, happens to be one of the most unusual stories asa NS ss ve of love and fun on the run ever filmed S y “lp = (specially for your special entertainment. DANNY KAYE CURT JURGENS q NiColE MAUREY ye nt ee AND THE COLa EL FRANCOISE ROSAY + AKIM TAMIROFF + MARTITA HUNT + ALEXANDER SCOURBY Screen Play by S. N. BEHRMAN and GEORGE FROESCHEL Produced by WILLIAM GOETZ Directed by PETER GLENVILLE + a COURT-GOETZ PICTURE THEATRE AD NO. 502—810 Lines