One Girl's Confession (Columbia Pictures) (1953)

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re Be Expose Secret Reform School For Problem Girls! (FIREBUG! Society Beauty Admits That She Played With Fire A young society girl student f was Reveal Swank School’s of a plush-lined, secret reShocking Case Histories form school today admitted Torture Treatment Use to authorities that she was] OF Society Problem Girls guilty of pyromaniacal active e e ities that caused several dan: On Rich Girl-Delinquents gerous and costly fires. The Brought To Light Here story of this delinquent | The sensation-filled lives of young woman members (The up-till-now well-guarded secrets of a swank re| daughter of a wealthy family of respected, wealthy families were made public in a form school and its torture methods for disciplining is told in “Problem Girls,” a | scandal that exploded today involving a hitherto secret, new Columbia picture, star: eae rich, girl-delinquent students, are shockingly revealed | |.oa swank reform school. The rich girl students of the well: : oe ring Helen Walker, Ross El| niggen school are vividly portrayed in “Problem Girls,” ° ° bb « 93 ° an ° e be the new Columbia picture, “Problem Girls.” The| liott and Susan Morrow. The | 9 new Columbia picture based on shocking case histories new film, which will be seen soon in the city, stars} Part of the rich girl-firebug is | fom actual reports. The new film stars Helen Walker, ‘Helen Walker, Ross Elliott and Susan Morrow. played by Mara Corday. Ross Elliott and Susan Morrow. Winner Has Date With Torture Tutor Fire Ravages School =») A fire that broke out yesterday in a swank, secret reform schoo] endangered the lives of its “problem girl students.” No fatalities were reported.