Pendulum (Columbia Pictures) (1969)

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“SWINGING “PENDULUM? RADIO INTERVIEWS GEORGE PEPPARD! JEAN SEBERG! These interviews are being broadcast by almost 850 radio stations via Dick Strout's popular "Hollywood Profiles’ program. If they have been broadcast locally, arrange to have them re-broadcast with your full credits. If they have not been heard, and local station wants to use them, order "Pendulum" interviews FREE direct from: Dick Strout, Inc. P.O. Box 907, Beverly Hills, California TV TRAILERS 16mm and color! The "Pendulum" television trailers capture the swift action and timeliness of the film, in a fashion certain to attract homeviewer attention. Trailer package consists of two 60-second spots ("A" and "'B"), two 20-second spots (No. | and No. 2) and one |0-second spot (''X"'). Order from National Screen. RADIO SPOTS The "Pendulum" radio package consists of two 60-second spots, a 30-second spot and a 10-second spot. Order from National Screen. TELOPS Information about telops, styles and prices, may be obtained by writing direct to: QO Title Card Co., 247 W. 46th St., N. Y., N. Y. 10036. NATIONAL FLAG 3 pc. Streamer, $21.50; De Luxe Sectional Valance, $2.15 per running foot—minimum length, 10 feet; Usher Badges, 50c; 9' x 12' Flags or Wall Banners, single-faced, $80., double-faced, $145. Order from National Screen. THE SONG Capitol Records is releasing, as a 45 rpm single, ''The Pendulum Swings Both Ways," the title tune sung by The Lettermen for the National Screen Service. Pre -Sell ‘Pendulum’ The very timely theme of the film has dual appeal to both these favore SIX SHEET ing stronger law enforcement, and « THREE SHEET those favoring the protection of civil liberties. Therefore, sell the film to ee both law enforcement groups (poe INSERT CARD lice, lawyers, judges, etc.) and civil © 22x28 liberties groups. And, of course, go after editorial comment, radio-TV e EIGHT II x 14's forums, etc. Create a pendulum of your own, using the arm and hand of a store window mannikin. Arm is covered by a man's jacket sleeve, from which a shirt-cuff might protrude, and the hand holds a pistol. Clockwork mechanism, to operate the pendulum and to conceal the "'shoulder''-pivot of the arm, might be set behind a police-type shield, or a bull's-eye target. In either instance, paint across the face of this covering a message like: "The ‘Pendulum’ Swings . . . The Suspect is a Cop!" The gun, of course, moves across a display of stills from the picture, arranged in an appropriate arc. This pendulum device might be used on overhead board, atop theatre marquee and elsewhere. THE CAST OR Rh) |B, Segemces sce ln akl piers ile, rae aa enaene nnn George Peppard Pe Re As Serban Yagh gc 2D Os Sl i ge Jean Seberg a ae I Nee rola oes ppp regia eat Richard Kiley Deputy Chiet John P. Pildebrand™ c/o. eet Charles McGraw os Bl ol ge 2 a il i ot ee a ee eT Madeleine Sherwood PRG Peters SANGRTSOR ee Bio ie OA ns appara aid Robert F. Lyons Eh SeAeGN 0. Sea Ee. 2 Pee ee ASO... ns.-s pepe wees Frank Marth SR SR RR eb Seat ee eS a Ry RT Fee TS Marj Dusay en ea Se RTS ta ARS A a ear Seta yf eR Paul McGrath RicWarel 0 penne ol ee ec eat Stewart Moss a pie ei 5 TPA APRS RL ta eat Sea SE Poh re Agar bE Isabell Sanford PEE ape Pines TE ga oa fo ae ee Pa fee re Oe oe ee Dana Elcar Dreher net 1d gurelachan es sb gitty oP Bee eb ocx G ree idee 0s Harry Lewis Mary: Schumach@hisccysci.5-.ip ata Baad. eae... BBA Mildred Trares AWE oc ccahecashg. icc ie, 0 SLL ROL, Oc) ROW Robin Raymond tira, Widona Elliot 2 ee Re i. PON eee OE es ett Phyllis Hill GA EE CC Ea seehitee 2a: x cot gence Peeeakiine » At phar ep S. John Launer Mi xund WARTOtVIy Seay OUNIOT recast b ryeeete pettoi earned Jock MacKelvie Députy. Misrahall Tack Bates ooo ce: dea os -Sentergs oe Feng ites Richard Guizon 7 We CL bey SNe MEM OE Seidl we Reena 4 eet SUREMENT SMe) rere ao ty 9 Jack Grimes Datectue (Jeinekic.« <i.t8.tecrste daok-xtlt deleade. Sante Logan Ramsey Detective €laneuens «..0.lick aos teenie Abs AS ee Douglas Henderson Garland (ose eee ek Bees. a Gene Boland NP VINTES BR PIOCURES Bi iyo oh tin tas Ore Gath ad Stanley Niss OGIN ary Ae de Pane op coth. man sheaniths: atk wovkius George Schaefer Director ot PHOTOGtmINyY 255 26 fitsiecingelao. ccdeiy.... aad Lionel Lindon, A.S.C. Promusion Devanen ainsi) i. mas iad... “Hea. Walter Simonds Par beeeehs.. Nai: Ad Gaels... Sheena... BTS Hugh S. Fowler, A.C.E. "The Pendulum Swings Both Ways": Lyrics by Mack David Sung by The Lettermen Music by Walter Scharf Capitol Recording Artists SOE PRN AIOE assed crenata Ne coal Selo Maury Hoffman PSST ANT eC UOP rie othe Al reheat oii pee nis ilar BAA David Salven Whaxeup siniervistaits G23 10) cf alu dd... Sek 5g eR Ben Lane AAG Boyles Oy | ibis. niles teeth tee, BAAS, Sl TE, Virginia Jones, C.H.S. SoundSupervisor? ai sui ee ae Rees |: OMe JEGRL Charles J. Rice Sound snes ee Oe ee See William Randall, Jr., Arthur Piantadosi Color by Technicolor® A Pendulum Production A Columbia Pictures Release THE STORY (Not for Publication) Tough Washington, D. C. homicide detective Frank Matthews knows his wife, Adele, is unfaithful. Unhappy at home, he is made more embittered when attorney Woodrow King manages to save from death a young rapist-murderer, Paul Sanderson, whom Matthews had apprehended. At Sanderson's new trial, the government moves to dismiss its case because of King's successful argument before the Supreme Court, where he had won his appeal on constitutional grounds. Sanderson returns to his home in McKeesport, Pa. Matt travels to Baltimore to make a speech on law and order although he tells Adele he is going to New York and will stay there overnight; in Baltimore, after his talk, he wanders the streets and, late at night, entrains for Washington. Next morning, Adele and her paramour are found murdered. An immediate suspect, Matt retains King as his attorney. As the circumstantial evidence mounts against him, Matt is forced to evade arrest in order to crack the case himself. Running Time: 106 minutes ‘PENDULUM’ ACCESSORIES e TRAILER e UTILITY MAT e WINDOW CARD e TV TRAILERS TITLE DISPLAY HI-RISE STANDEE RADIO SPOTS STILL SETS F (Color and B/W—Color, for gen OU eaaneY lobby and store displays; B/ W 24x 82, 30x 40 stills for newspaper planting) Order From National Screen PRINTED IN U.S. A.