Rim of the Canyon (Columbia Pictures) (1949)

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blasts yesterday’s bad men out of ghost city treasure COLUMBIA PICTURES cache ! presents GENE AUTRY .’ ; World's Greatest Cowboy ne le GENE AUTRY World’‘s Greatest Cowboy and CHAMPION World‘s Wonder Horse RIM 22 CANYO at oS waa oh a eeae i boy a Sig marines oae “aoe SRC CEN TE NAN THURSTON CLEM NAN LESLIE -rasrow HALL. cen BEVANS LESLIE HALL: BEVANS Directed by Produced by _ Screen Play by John K. Butler JOHN ENGLISH ARMAND SCHAEFER HN ENGL nd SCHR JOHN ENGLISH ARMAND SCHAEFER A GENE AUTRY PRODUCTION 7 sy geen SAAN _ GENE AND pone : © phicsHOD over ghost Town desperadoes killers ! KE THRs. a STARTS BA! Gene blasts badmen out of ghost town! COLUMBIA PICTURES GENE AUTRY and CHAMPION ] RIM ic CANYON with Nan Leslie Thurston Hall Clem Bevans A GENE AUTRY PRODUCTION é COLUMBIA PICTURES presents COLUMBIA PICTUR presents : RW so | Ad Mat No. 103—39 Lines RENE ANU? World’s Greatest Cowboy 4 and CHAMPION y | World’s Wonder Horse | wit! Nan Thurston = Clem LESLIE» HALL’ BEVANS 1 Directed by JOHN ENGLISH Produced by ARMAND SCHAEFER A GENE AUTRY PRODUCTION ————? became a Oo ; : AND OLD WEST CLASH! Ad Mat No. 104—65 Lines : COLUMBIA PICTURES presents ae "GENE AUTRY World's Greatest Cowboy and CHAMPION World's Wonder Horse ” GENE AUTRY ond CHAMPION ti Wan Tharston Clem fone Leslie Hall Bevans & Screen Play by John K. Butler Directed by JOHN ENGLISH 3 Produced by ARMAND SCHAEFE! GENE AUTRY PRODUCTION Nan Thorsten Clem Leslie Hall Bevans A GENE AUTRY PRODUCTION Ad Mat No. 101—13 Lines Ad Mat No. 102—-27 Lines Ad Mat No. 105—93 Lines Page 7