Roaring Rangers (Columbia Pictures) (1946)

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RNETTE the Wests No.l Comic “ROARING RANGER wa Merle Travis and His Bronco Busters Griginal Screenplay by Barry Shipman Produced by COLBERT CLARK ected by RAY NAZARRO SIX SHEET POSTERS ONE SHEET JWE WHE WEST'S (MOST EXOTING cou pete CHARLES SMILEY ‘ | STARRETT « BURNETTE eras QUARING RANGER 56 : ONT evens ms, cm we 4 DRAWINA FIGHT OR A FROUCE ars va meme * 22x28 A SLIDE (Same Design) Charles = Smiley > STARRETTBURNETTE SS ge ee Dorenge Cid Tas eats he Sees 0 COLUMAIA PICTURES : : a ‘ Order in quantities to prevents Charles Smiley ee : se cover all future playdates. | STARRETT: BURNETTES : Imprint title and theatre 1 The Doraage Bid The West's Ne, | Comic 2 ‘gaan Be credits for each new ''Dur ~ ROARING ne ee ee RANGERS der Starrett-Burnette stock _ a= MERLE TRAVIS ond HIS BRONCO BUSTERS = National Screen office. Peoduced: by COSBERE CLARK « Dieced by SAY RAZA 22 x 28 B SAAS Biers 5 c EIGHT 11 x 14’s : Se a /p PRINTED IN U. S. A.