Run Wild, Run Free (Columbia Pictures) (1969)

Record Details:

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rip", RunWild Run free .. will run away with your heart! The brilliant young star of “OLIVER!”’ ina moving human drama you become part of. Ad No. 302—204 Lines 3 Cols. x 47 Inches COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents an IRVING ALLEN PRODUCTION kh e 4 RunWild Run Free also starring GORDON JACKSON and FIONA FULLERTON Screenplay by DAVID ROOK from his novel “The White Colt” Produced by JOHN DANISCHEWSKY € Executive Producer ANDREW DONALLY = Directed by RICHARD C. SARAFIAN Technicolor ® |° Suggested for GENERAL audiences. > Hear The New Christy Minstrels sing “RUN WILD, RUN FREE” on the SGC soundtrack album and Columbia Records single. Page 5