Sail a Crooked Ship (Columbia Pictures) (1961)

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: © Ad No. 104 © Ad No. 204 Ad. No. 104—65 Lines -BoAts! in The goofy gunner couldnt hit a The Ships mascot supplied the [Pe battleship point-blank...with fire-power for this maneuver... / a I6-inch gun or a 34 inch slingshot! but how generous can a gal get ? — aN the LAFF ‘ Lady" loves to play Spin-thebottle ...with full fifths | Robert Dolores JONE: Frankie UP pve AGNER.: FART JONES VALON Kovacs: CAPTAIN arring x : f IK. GORSHIN' WHITE ( EY LEMBECK. 3 lay by RUTH BROOKS FLIPPEN UCE GELLER cath 0 x the novel by NATHANIEL BENCHLEY ai 3 gc »d by PHILIP BARRY. ur. 1 by IRVING BRECHER IP BARRY PRODUCTION )_LUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE Ad No. 501—750 Lines (including imprint space)