Storm Over the Nile (Columbia Pictures) (1956)

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Pe EXPL ‘STORM’ PATRON » Don't overlook the " pulling power of a regulation storm, or rain, during your engagement of “Storm Over the Nile!” If theatre policy permits, advertise free admission to those patrons attending your drive-in to see “Storm Over the Nile,” during any storms which may come up... or special rate reductions! Or, perhaps, you'll want to offer ’em a free gallon of gas to keep their motors and windshield wipers going during the picture’s “storm” showing? CONCESSION STAND: Stamp vom “Storm Over the Nile” message on such concession stand items as paper napkins, sandwich wrappers, paper dishes and popcorn bags, in advance. If you can get a supply of white feathers, attach a card to each one reading: “What Does the White Feather Mean? See ‘Storm Over the Nile’,’ etc. Give feathers away as conversation pieces to your concession stand customers. PAPER TOWELS: Pt" 20er messge on paper towels for distribution at your theatre, in parking lots, gas stations, etc. Message might read: “When a Storm Streaks Your Windshield, Use This! When You're Looking for Great Entertainment, See ‘Storm Over the Nile,’ etc.” Keep towels handy at your concession stand for giveaway purposes well in advance of playdate. ‘STORM’ WEAR: Stage a ‘“Storm’”’ test in co operation with local shopping center merchant who’s ready to prove publicly his rainwear is waterproof! Offer concession stand rebate coupons to those willing to don the rainwear while a hose plays a stream of water over it, and them! ‘STORM’ SIGNS: Put: S toe mv, Over the Nile” teaser signs on the highways leading to your drive-in. Series of signs might read: “Warning! Storm Ahead!’ ; “Storm Over the Nile’!’, “Desert. Thvills an CinemaS cope and Technicolor!’ , “State DriveIn... Now!” Page 4 AMG SR ps a cm cree mr zoyaliore near a public or private zoo which houses a camel? Arrange for camel and zoo-keeper to help publicize “Storm Over the Nile’—on nearby streets, on TV, via newspaper publicity! If camel is of the kind used in many zoos to give children rides, then you’ve got an extra showmanship dividend. SANDPILE: Over the sandpile in your play area for children, place a sign directed to their parents: “Sun and Sand... in the Raging Sahara! See ‘Storm Over the Nile,’ etc.” If your drive-in has no sandpile, it might be worth while setting one up, with attendant publicity, using “Desert Sand From ‘Storm Over the Nile’!” HELMET HOOPLA: Parking lot attendants, service station employees and others who work in the summer sun might be persuaded to wear ordinary pith sun helmets with your picture title and theatre message stenciled thereon. See to it that theatre workers are similarly helmeted! BALLOON BALLY: Ss for. siswibe tion® of: ‘balbons. on which are imprinted your title and credits, or to which your message is tied. Numbered slips might be used, with certain entrance-displayed numbers good for guest admissions. Balloons might be given away, or they might be let loose. ‘STORM’ ADS: Work with editor of local shopping center newspapers in obtaining co-op ads around the “storm” aspect of the title. In addition to your own theatre ad, local dealers might advertise rainwear, paints, emergency equipment, etc. SANDPAPER: As cars enter your theatre, distribute small pieces of sandpaper with this message stamped on: “No, This Isn’t Sand From the Sahara. For That, See ‘Storm Over the Nile’.”” Add complete billing and playdate credits. STORM OVE THE NILE Sock Displays FLUORESCENT LETTERS Now available... a letter "library!" Letters are fluorescent, on separate 3' x 5' grommeted panels for showmen who want day-and-night dis play of picture titles, star names! . Words like "in," "the," "and," "of" and ''to'' are combined on a single panel. Price: $5 a panel. SCORCHING! DESERT SPECTACLE... ROMANCE... ADVENTURE! COMING SUN...SAND... | SAVAGE | SPECTACLE! 9’ x 12’ FLAG Single-faced: $37.50 40c each Double-faced: $67.50 5-PIECE VALANCE: [5 ft. long. Price: $9.50. SAVAGE SPECTACLE! fay DESERT ROMANCE! [Cinemascore| Technicolor VALANCE: $1.50 per running ft. Minimum order: 10 ft. NOW AT NAME <a ne ciomemee: THEATRE HERE Technicolor BUMPER STRIP: Price: $1.00. Minimum order: 15. Order Accessories From: NATIONAL FLAG CO. 435. W. 21 St., N.Y. 10,-N. Y. THEATRE POSTER SERVICE 250 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. ts Ni \oe