Storm Over the Nile (Columbia Pictures) (1956)

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DESERT WARFARE! DESERT LOVE! DESERT SPECTACLE! CINEmaScoPE storms across the Sudan... to bring you more adventure than your eyes have ever beheld! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents ZOLTAN KORD, Laurence HARVEY: Anthony STEEL _ James Robeison JUSTICE roduction ove Maly URE with GEOFFREY KEEN RONALD LEWIS IAN CARMICHAEL Screenplay by R. C. SHERRIFF From a Novel by A. E. W. MASON Directed by TERENCE YOUNG and ZOLTAN KORDA Produced by ZOLTAN KORDA Ad Mat No. 104—138 Lines DESERT WARFARE! DESERT LOVE! DESERT SPECTACLE! CinemaScope captures it all...from the Great Pyramids to the Cataracts of the Nile ...the greatest adventure ever written about the North African wasteland... actually filmed in the wild Sudan! Color by TECHNICOLOR COLUMBIA PICTURES presents ZOLTAN KORDA’S Production : Rie Laurence HARVEY Anthony STEEL , BEEK James Robertson JUSTICE | introducing Mary URE... GEOFFREY KEEN RONALD LEWIS IAN CARMICHAEL Screenplay by R. C. SHERRIFF From a Novel by A. E. W. MASON Directed by TERENCE YOUNG and ZOLTAN KORDA Produced by ZOLTAN KORDA Ad. Mat: No: 302-315" Lines. (3 Cols> x 105-diines } &» A STORM OF LOVE, FURY, SPECTACLE AND Sf ADVENTURE FLOODS THE SCREEN! = TARENCE HAVE ANTHONY STL > JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE All North Africa Its Battleground! A Cast of Stars... and Native Thousands / introducing MARY URE with GEOFFREY KEEN « RONALD LEWIS « IAN CARMICHAEL Screenplay by R. C. SHERRIFF From a Novel by A. E. W. MASON Directed by TERENCE YOUNG and ZOLTAN KORDA + Produced by ZOLTAN KORDA CINEmMaScoPE Color by TECHNICOLOR Ad Mat No. -301-—17/iaimes C3" Cols.’ 59. Eines} Page 9