Sunny Side of the Street (Columbia Pictures) (1951)

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that a ~ Cet 4rovey —— with JEROME (QUAM Produced by JONIE TAPS Directed by RICHARD QUINE Sereen Phy by LEE LOEB A COLUMBIA PICTURE 600-Line Ad Mat No. 403 — 4 Cols. x 150 Lines CAST and CREDITS © eat STORY Frankie Laine... Fronkie Laine Al Little... William Tracy (Not for Publication) Television Billy Daniels. Billy Daniels John Stevens worker Betty Holloway (Terry Betty Holloway... Terry Moore Willard Waterman Moore) arranges an audition for Ted Mason... Jerome Courtland Cyrus Pelley... Jonathan Hale would-be singer Ted Mason (Jerome Toni Arden ............ Toni Arden Susie Manning . Amanda Blake Courtland) with singing = star Gloria Pelley...._. Audrey Long Benny Payne... Benny Payne Frankie Laine (Frankie Laine). Dave Gibson... Dick Wesson REO ee oe Paul Dubov Heiress Gloria Pelley (Audrey Mares ce... Lynn Bari Wilber’ sé... Se s Peter Price Long), Ted's former high school sweetheart, is taken night-clubbing by him. Ted tries to "romance" Gioria into signing him as star of her father's musical show. She does and Betty walks out on him. With the help of both Gloria and Screen Play by Lee Loeb; Story by Harold Conrad; Directed by Richard Quine; Assistant Director, Jack Corrick; Director of Photog B raphy, Ellis W. Carter, A. S. C.; Art Director, Walter Holscher; Film Editor, Jerome Thoms; Set Decorator, James Crowe; Sound Engineer, George Cooper; Music Recorded by Phil Faulkner; Music Advisor, Copyriahe One Fred Karger; Musical Director, George Duning; Song, "On the Sunny Frankie, Ted makes up with Betty Colinbin Pike Baon: , Side of the Street" by Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh. Produced and then signs a contract to star on by Jonie Taps. A Columbia Picture. television. —