The Big Mouth (Columbia Pictures) (1967)

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‘BIG MOUTH’ TV SPOTS In color, capturing all the beauty of the backgrounds for "The Big Mouth" (and the girls who appear in the film), as well as the comedy and excitement that make the film a Jerry Lewis boxoffice delight! Order these television trailers from National Screen Service. Featurette—16mm—In Color! Jerry Lewis does the narration, and the featurette shows him at work on the chase sequence of "The Big Mouth," during location filming at The Sea World, famous tourist attraction near San Diego, California. Naturally, the featurette is called ''The Thrill of the Chase" . . . and thrilling it is! Use it on television, of course, and as an advance theatre special! Order "The Thrill of the Chase'' Featurette, in |6mm, from: Exploitation Dept., Columbia Pictures Corp. 711 5th Avenue, N. Y., N. Y. 10022 ...and everytime he opens it—he puts his foot in it! . JERRY ot coanng HAROLD J. STONE: CHARLIE CALLAS-BUDDY LESTER ane inroosen OUOAN BAY serenpey » JERRY LEWIS ans BILL RICHMOND: sion s» BILL RICHMOND -us7e.cooseses, HARRY BETTS COLUMBIA PICTURES presents Os as vrotced and prewwa y UERRY LEWIS —EvsTMANcoLor (@! Ad No. 302—390 Lines—3 Cols. x 91/4 Inches Page 3