The Big Mouth (Columbia Pictures) (1967)

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INTERWOVEN SOCKS! Shown here, two of a series of six full-page, full-color ads for Interwoven Socks, using Jerry Lewis and plugging "The Big Mouth." These ads are scheduled to run in: Playboy Magazine—July, September, October, December Esquire Magazine—August, September Newsweek Magazine—Sept. 25, Oct. 30, Nov. 27 Scholastic Roto—September, October, November Work with Interwoven Socks dealers on windows and in-store displays, using the ads and art work from the film. GO BIG ON SWIM-FUN! STILL NO. SPEC. 1 In "The Big Mouth," Jerry Lewis plays a man who can be (and, in the ads, is!) described as "the chicken of the sea." Water and beach promotions are called-for by the film's theme and locale . . . by the summer release of the film .. . by the publicity potential! The following may be worked, and there are numerous others which may be found in your own special situation. Work on them all. They help make "The Big Mouth" bigger! VOIT TIE-UP The W. J. Voit Rubber Corp., world's largest makers of swimming accessories, supplied the underwater garb worn in the film. Advertising art shows Jerry Lewis in underwater gear; Still No. Spec. | shows Lewis in a Voit suit. This still may be used in showmanship on "The Big Mouth."' Work with the Voit dealers in your community on window and in-store displays, swim contests, demonstrations, etc. Promoted Voit equipment might be used as prizes in contests worked with newspapers, radio and television stations. STILL NO. SPEC 1 This special still, when blown-up, makes an arresting out-front silhouette atop theatre marquee or flanking entrance doors. Use it, too, as a street bally item, carried by an usher through main business and school street. Sign on usher's back carries credits. For lobby and store display purposes, fit actual flippers, harpoon gun, knife and underwater goggles to the blow-up (see right). NAVY AID If there is a U. S. Navy installation in your vicinity, it might be possible to borrow frogman equipment and photos of Navy frogmen in action, with an officer in attendance. Present, or former, Navy frogmen might be available for newspaper, radio and television interviews and demonstrations of both their equipment and their underwater techniques. WATER SAFETY Boy and Girl Scouts, the Red Cross, local Y's and other groups which teach life-saving, swimming and similar skills might help with a major promotion: ''When It Comes to Water Safety, Don't be a ‘Big Mouth'!"' Post message on school bulletin boards, in libraries, Y's, etc., calling attention both to the film and to the agencies’ " Learn to Swim" campaigns. JERRY LEWIS The Jerry Lewis fans in this country number in the millions and all of them eagerly await news about their idol's latest film. Here are STREET BALLY Send an attractive girl in skin-diver garb through main business and shopping streets of your community. Sign on her back reads: ''I'm on My Way to See Jerry Lewis as ‘The Big Mouth'," etc. If girl is a skin-diver in her own right, she might prove a welcome visitor to local television shows and radio stations, as well as a photogenic interviewee in newspaper offices. BATHING BEAUTY With a phrase like "the chicken of the sea,'' what more natural than a Bathing Beauty Contest? Details can be worked out with officials at local beaches or owners of swimming pools, with department store or women's wear shop, with newspaper or television sponsors, etc. SKIN-DIVER CLUBS There are thousands of these, wherever deep water is reasonably available—oceans, rivers, lakes! Sports page editors of local newspapers may be able to put you in touch with such a group in your community, or you might plant a special item seeking information. Arrange for the entire group to see "The Big Mouth," on some well-publicized occasion, preferably while wearing their underwater gear. LOBBY MANIKIN Dress a store manikin in skin diving equipment for use in an advance lobby display. Suspend figure from ceiling by wires, as though swimming, poised near a wall on which stills from the film, a poster and playdate credits is placed. The ‘Pleasure Chest'’ stunt suggested elsewhere in this pressbook might be worked in this corner of your lobby. a few ways to spark their interest: e Check your telephone directory and if there's a resident named Jerry Lewis in town, invite him and a friend as guests of honor opening night. Try, too, for interviews with him on his experiences having the same name. e Get a deejay to sponsor a postcard write-in contest with listeners submitting the greatest number of Lewis’ previous films. e A deejay's representative can walk around town asking passersby how many films Jerry Lewis has appeared in, including ‘The Big Mouth" coming to your Theatre. Those offering the number 36 to be awarded guest admissions. e Via a lobby poster, invite Lewis imitators to perform on the theatre stage for promoted prizes. Page 7