The Big Sombrero (Columbia Pictures) (1949)

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: OUTLAWS FEAR HIM... _ SENORITAS CHEER — RES presents GENE AUTRY ae CHAMPION Elena © Stephen George). «= Vere VERDUGO DUNNE LEWIS MARSHE Original screenplay by Olive Cooper Directed by FRANK McDONALD Produced by ARMAND SCHAEFER A Gene Autry Production HEAR eens SING Ad Mat No. 107—99 Lines FROM SPARKLING FIESTA fi TO SAVAGE \\\ AMBUSH! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents GENE AUTRY and his famous horse, CHAMPION THE IZIG SOMBRERO with ELENA VERDUGO STEPHEN DUNNE GEORGE J. LEWIS VERA MARSHE eC jNECOLOR ES. a HEAR GENE SING 5 SONGS! Original screenplay by y FRANK McDONALD Produced by ARMAND SCHAEFER. A Gene ais Production Ad Mat No. 104—59 Lines COLUMBIA PICTURES ITT IN CINE C OL Loe th piel’ wit Heart een Stephen George J. Vera Sy La Golondring VERDUGO DUNNELEWIS. MARSHE = Rancho Pillow Original screenplay by Olive Cooper Sz iy a Me lend Directed by FRANK McDONALD My Dari Produced by ARMAND SCHAEFER ee men Cine nine A Gene Autry Production 400-Line Ad Mat No. 305—3 Cols. x 133 Lines COLUMBIA PICTURES presents GENE AUTRY and CHAMPION 28-Line Ad Mat No. 20!—2 Cols. x 14 Lines Page 5