The Camp on Blood Island (Columbia Pictures) (1958)

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and excitement! CAST Lambert Andre Morell ‘Dutch’ Carl Mohner Beattie Walter Fitzgerald Dawes Edward Underdown Bellamy Phil Brown Kate Barbara Shelley Anjou Michael Goodliffe Shields Michael Gwynn Yamamitsu Ronald Radd Sakamura Marne Maitland Interpreter Wolfe Morris Keiller Richard Wordsworth Helen Mary Merrall Driver Michael Ripper Sergeant Edwin Richfield Betts Barry Lowe Hallam Max Butterfield Japanese Officer Lee Montague Mala Lillian Sottane Thornton Peter Wayn First Prisoner Jack McNaughton Davis Michael Brill Nurse Jan Holden Women Prisoners Betty Cooper, Anne Ridler, Barbara Lee, Grace Denbigh-Russell Sick Prisoner Jacqueline Curtiss ACCESSORIES e TAREE SHEER e ONE SHEET (Shown on this page.) (Comparable to Ad No. 301 on page 3.) OZ2K28 SRG ix las (SLIDE same design.) e INSERT CARD e TRAILER e 40 x 60, 30 x 40, 24 x 60 and 24 x 82 DISPLAYS FOUR SILER SEIS e COMPOSITE MAT (20 horizontals, 15 uprights, pressbook set, art set.) Copyright © 1958 Columbia Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. “The Camp on Blood Island” bares the stark, savage truth about a desperate fight for survival that began after the end of World War II! If is a picture which calls for extraordinary showmanship in keeping with its extraordinary tension CREDITS Screen Play by Jon Manchip White, Val Guest; Story by Jon Manchip White; Directed by Val Guest; Assistant Director, Robert Lynn; Director of Photography, Jack Asher, B.S.C.; Music Composed by Gerard Schurmann; Conducted by John Hollingsworth; Megascope; Art Director, John Stoll; Supervising Editor, James Needs; Production Manager, Arnold Brettell; Editor, Bill Lenny; Sound Recordist, Jock May; Re-recording, Ken Cameron; Camera Operator, Len Harris; Continuity, Doreen Dearnaley; Makeup, Tom Smith; Hairdresser, Henry Montsash; Wardrobe, Molly Arbuthnot; Property Master, Tom Money; Associate Producer, Anthony NelsonKeys; Produced by Anthony Hinds; Executive Producer, Michael Carreras; A Hammer Film Production. STORY (Not for Publication) Deep in Malaya, men, women and children, trapped in the enemy invasion, are held in the prison camp on Blood Island. Knowing the sadistic commandant will murder them all when he learns of his country’s defeat, Dutch, a planter, smashes the camp radio. British officer Lambert and, in the women’s prison, recently-widowed Kate, join Dutch in arming the prisoners. The bloody battle that follows ends with the enemy slain or routed. (Running Time: 81 Minutes) AUTHENTICATED BY THE VERY FEW WHO SURVIVED THE MASSACRE IN..| oe CARL MOHNER ANDRE MORELL EDWARD UNDERDOWN WALTER FITZGERALD THE MOST BRUTAL, | BARBARIC TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF MOVIES... AND MANKIND ! en = ‘ ‘ & ++ MPZ 4 bs Pi w also starring PHEL BROWN BARBARA SHELLEY MICHAEL COODLEFFE THE © JBN CAM p on | CN Z chabh/ Scteenpiay by KON MANCHIP WHITE and VAL GUEST Produced by ANTHONY HINDS Associate Producer ANTHONY NELSON-KEYS CARL PHIL BROWN «+ BARBARA SHELLEY e¢ MICHAEL GOODLIFFE Executive Producer MICHAEL CARRERAS Directed by VAL GUEST A HAMMER FILM PRODUCTION (THREE SHEET) Official Billing THE CAMP ON BLOOD ISLAND starring ANDRE EDWARD WALTER MOHNER © MORELL ¢ UNDERDOWN e FITZGERALD also starring MEGASCOPE Screenplay by JON MANCHIP WHITE and VAL GUEST 100%, Za), 15%, Produced by ANTHONY HINDS « Associate Producer ANTHONY NELSON-KEYS 157, Executive Producer MICHAEL CARRERAS Directed by VAL GUEST A HAMMER FILM PRODUCTION