The Chase (Columbia Pictures) (1966)

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COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents MARLON BRANDO | w SAM SPIEGEL oovcrov o “THE CHASE” is ON! Pom Sam Spiegel, the man who excited the screen with “The Bridge On The River Kwal” and “Lawrence Of Arabia”! STARRING ANC ROBERT a ANGIE = JANICE. = MIRIAM = MARTHA = ROBERT =» RICHARD. «= HENRY = DIANA JAMES NCA: nnn TAN LE-WOPINSDUVALL GRADO ALCAN. A Sereenplay by LILIAN HELLMAN onc conccerecoy JOAN BARRY «Produced by SAM SPIEGEL Directed by ARTHUR PENN ~ Based on a novel and play by HORTON FOOTE A HORIZON PICTURE Filmed in PANAVISION” TECHNICOLOR (original Sound rack wboum Available on Columbia Records) Ad No. 50! A—1000 Lines—5 Cols. x 141/, inches Also Available as Ad No. 303-399 Lines—3 Cols. x 91/5 Inches Also Available as Ad No. 404—-625 Lines—4 Cols. x 115 Inches Copyright © 1966, Columbia Pictures Corporation, All Righis Reserved