The Chase (Columbia Pictures) (1966)

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\TOMORROW Please Note: When Ad No. 301 is used the day before opening, the word "Tomorrow" applies. If the od wed stag otter On excited the screen with siete a an “The Bridge On eee ees The River Kwai” “Lawrence Of Arabia’! = COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents | i | 5ST PRO SCOR ETAT RI SE PS MBE ES TLE ES BTL LSE TSA ELEC LES OIE Ad No. 301—294 Lines—3 Cols. x 7 Inches A i breathless, Sam Spiegel, 4% the man who has brought. the screen its most exciting ’ productions! * E NI im MARTHA ROBERT RICHARD. = HENRY DIANA JAMES 0 lS dig HG A-BAT Screenplay by LILLIAN HELLMAN s* JOHN BARRY Produced by SAM SPIEGEL Directed by ARTHUR PENN Based don anoe and play by HORTON FOOTE A HORN PICTURE filmed in PANAVISION” TTA | Ad No. 302—297 Lines—3 Cols. x 7 Inches Page 8 MARLON BRANDO 1» SAM SEUBEL Seve THE CHASE il i ADEA ACARD 0 MARSA: AGE ICANN mM ‘RP TA AYE REY TVA: hl in wl HL DAM A i HORIZON PICTURE + Filmed j Nn PHNAVISION” vc abe Original Sound Track Album Available on Columbia s AN EXPLOSIVE STORY OF TODAY! “Se s. COLUMBIA PICTURES x Ny SAM Ni SHIEGELS Mt PRODUCTION OF Ad No. 101—74 Lines | Col. x 514 Inches