The Chase (Columbia Pictures) (1966)

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AN EXPLOSIVE Ss TORY OF eorer! COLUMBIA PICTURES BRAN DO whe brought you wOAM SHEGH S “The Bridge On Th PRODUCTION OF River Kwai” and “Lawrence. of Arabia.” ~ a HE er” STARRIN MIRIAM MARTHA ROBERT =©—ICHARO. = HENRY Screenplay by LILLIAN HELLMAN on'concucrecrby JOHN BARRY Produced by SAM SPIEGEL su HUM i Directed by ARTHUR PENN Based ona novel and play by HORTON FOOTE ~ A HORWON PICTURE Fined in PANAVISION’ TECHNICOLOR riginal Sound Track Album Available on Columbia Records 0 Ad No. 306—309 Lines—3 Cols. x 734 Inches AN EXPLOSIVE STORY OF TODAY! “The Chase” is on! A breathless, pinieeinitiniiic explosive story of today... Saks from Sam Spiegel, i el Be Producer or. a “The Bridge On The River Kwai” and “Lawrence Of Arabia’! haha PICTURES MARLON COLUMBIA PICTURES Presen MARLON BRANDO IN SM SHEL GEL Seeks OFT | BRANDO. SM SEUGH'S PRODUCTION OF ASE ae = = ric ah dere Tyrevoeve ee | AEN OGRA ASH -MGE DENSON River Kwa and oie of Abi ‘| ug 3 Beriiste Macs MIRIAM HOPKINS MARTHA ity i sal AAA IK) pe Peal a HG eee FHL: OA l. nes ane A i iano nc sess loi ti seen EL Page 9