The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (Columbia Pictures) (1964)

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GRAVE SAVINGS AT ag BLACK STAMP » MONSTER 4 2am. BIZARRE 49s § She Turns Living Half Bandage, Screaming Flesh Half Bone He Lusts Into Silent For Revenge... Stone! eg yg Cthirsts page TECHNICOLOR! ° PETRIFYING COLOR! TECHNISCOPE!® FREE BLACK STAMPS | of your favorite monsters to the first 10,000 people in line! ; A HAMMER FILM PRODUCTION COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASES Ad No. 2002—244 Lines—2 Cols. x 85 Inches 4 4 Lift Flap for Additional Black Stamp Advertising! Page 5 TWIN TERROR SHOW! TECHNISCOPE!® TECHNICOLOR!® J AHAMMER FILM PRODUCTION Ad No. 1002—30 Lines | Col. x 2!/g Inches THE CRYPTICS ARE RAVING ABOUT BLACK STAMP MONSTERS! He Has A Lust She Turns Screaming Flesh ¥ For Vengeance Into Silent Stone! And A Thirst : For Terror! TECHNISCOPE!® TECHNICOLOR!® PETRIFYING COLOR! =" TERENCE MORGAN RONALD HOWARD : FRED CLARK . introducing JEANNE ROLAND ig GEORGE PASTELL JACK GWILLIMJOHN PAUL tothe first | 10,000 people « startin, PETER CUSHING: CHRISTOPHER LEE with RICHARD PASCO | -& MICHAEL GOODLIFFE BARBARA SHELLEY: screenplay by ES co-starrin JOHN -GILLING Based on an original story by J. LLEWELLYN DEVINE Produced by ANTHONY NELSON KEYS . . Screenplay byHENRY YOUNGER in line! Produced and ected by MICHAEL CARRERAS A HAMMER FILM PRODUCTION Directed by TERENCE FISHER A HAMMER FILM PRODUCTION COLUMBIA PICTURES RELEASES Ad No. 300!—291 Lines—3 Cols. x 7 Inches