Bambi (Disney) (1966)

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aks Lake e IN 16mm COLOR AND BLACK-AND-WHITE AS INDICATED =» TV SPOTS! AVA/LABLE THROUGH YOUR BUENA VISTA REPRESENTATIVE SIXTY SECONDS — Each spot contains a 5 second open end for local live announcement. BAM-601K (B/W) BAM-601KC (COLOR) “It’s the motion picture loved the world over. Walt Disney’s, BAMBI.’ Utilizing dialog scenes of BAMBI, Faline, Thumper and Flower, this plug demonstrates the charm and excitement that makes Walt Disney’s BAMBI “entertainment such as you’ve never experienced before.” BAM-602K (B/W) “Here comes unforgettable motion picture entertainment.” Impish Thumper opens this spot by shouting: ‘‘Wake up!’”’ Then, in humorous scenes not used in BAM601X, all the characters speak and perform. This spot builds to a climax with scenes from the forest fire sequence and ends with the statement: ‘‘Never before has there been a motion picture like Walt Disney's BAMBI.” TW. Showman Don’t overlook your most personal means of communication with your patrons. When they call for information, give them a concise, exciting description of your attraction. Turn to the Exploitation pages of this pressbook for suggestions on how TWENTY SECONDS — Each spot contains a 5 second open end for local live announcement. BAM-201K (B/W) BAM-201KC (COLOR) “Take the whole family to see Walt Disney’s, BAMBI.” Points up family entertainment experience of a lifetime. BAM-202K (B/W) “Don’t miss Walt Disney’s BAMBI. Unforgettable screen entertainment.” Emphasizes story and characters. TEN SECONDS — Contains a 4 second open end for local live announcement. BAM-801K (B/W) BAM-801KC (COLOR) “Take the whole family to see Walt Disney’s, BAMBI.” to tell your patrons about BAMBI over the telephone. TV SLIDE & TELOP TV SLIDE & TELOP Order From: Buena Vista Distribution Co., Inc. Attn: Specialty Dept. 477 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y. 10022 SLIDE: Illustrated below. A 2x2-inch metal encased slide suitable for overlay of date and theatre. In color. TELOP: Same illustration as slide. A 4x5-inch blackand-white visual suitable for overlay of date and theatre. Walt Disney's pf FREE TV ENTERTAINMENT FILM CLIPS! AVAILABLE IN 16mm COLOR OR BLACK-AND-WHITE FREE FROM YOUR NEAREST BUENA VISTA REPRESENTATIVE TWO sequences from the motion picture, brimming with want-to-see magic, are available for use, FREE, by your local television stations as part of their regular entertainment programming. Walt Disney entertainment clips are wanted items. Make sure you get the biggest and most select audience possible for them. BAM — CLIP #1 RUNNING TIME: 3 minutes, 30 seconds. This entertainment clip features BAMBI, Thumper and Flower as they become acquainted for the first time. Thumper learns the name of the young prince is BAMBI. Thumper runs through the forest romping with BAMBI and teaching him the words “‘bird,”’ ‘‘butterfly’’ and ‘‘flower.”’ BAMBI calls a little skunk ‘‘Flower’’ and the name sticks. The clip ends as thunder and lightning cause BAMBI and Thumper to run home. BAM — CLIP #2 RUNNING TIME: 3 minutes, 30 seconds. BAMBI and his mother explore the open meadow where they meet little Faline. Shy BAMBI is teased by the flirtatious doe. As they become acquainted we see the beginning of a forest fire. All the animals of the forest run in panic as the fire spreads. The clip ends with BAMBI and the other animals standing safely in a river watching the fire in the background. Page 3