Greyfriars Bobby (Disney) (1961)

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BILLING REQUIREMENTS TO BE COMPLIED WITH IN ALL ADVERTISING Cincluding paid publicity) The following cast and production credits shall be displayed in the order and size indicated, in all advertising and paid publicity (other than group, list, teaser, trailers, special advertising and advertisements of EIGHT (8) COLUMN INCHES OR LESS). The percentage size designated for each name indicates its percentage size of the title, unless othrwise indicated. The title size of 100% is determined by the average heights of the letters in the title. WALT DISNEY Presents 75-10 0% preceding cast names and title. Credit to Walt Disney must ap n all ads. pear i “entire city gave him “GREYFRIARS BOBBY” 100% the keys Starring: (1) DONALD CRISP (2) LAURENCE NAISMITH (3) ALEX MACKENZIE (4) KAY WALSH size of main title, 1st position. % size of main title, 2nd co-star. size of main title, 3rd position. size of main title, 4th position. to its heart! Associate Producer: * WALT DISNEYS _Gregtrtars BOBBY vwme DONALD CRISP: LAURENCE NAISMITH ALEX MACKENZIE: KAY WALSH Associate Producer HUGH ATTWOOLL Directed by DON CHAFFEY « Screenplay by ROBERT WESTERBY From story of Greyfriars Bobby by ELEANOR ATKINSON Released by BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO., Inc. « ©1961 Walt Disney Productions HUGH ATTWOOLL Directed by: DON CHAFFEY Screenplay by: ROBERT WESTERBY From the story of TECHNICOLOR’ Pad | Greyfriars Bobby by: "lle yl ELEANOR ATKINSON T H E A ot R E ® TECHNICOLOR sae Mat 202 — 200 lines — 2 cols. x 100 lines (14 inches) Released by BUENA VISTA Approx. 5%. Desirable. Small readable type all ads, except DISTRIBUTION CO., INC. where space limitation preclude use. ee IS BOBBY... A REMARKABLE ae Such a tiny dog 43 to create sucha — BIG fuses a Ge} et pitt ‘BOBBY PO ees TECHNICOLOR’ © ©1961 Walt Disney Productions Mat 201— 28 lines—2cols.x 14 lines ( 2 inches) to A Es ae RoR: e DONALD CRISP LAURENCE NAISMITH ALEX MACKENZIE KAY WALSH Associate Producer HUGH ATTWOOLL « Directed by DON CHAFFEY + Screenplay by ROBERT WESTERBY From story of Greyfriars Bobby by ELEANOR ATKINSON Released by BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO..INC. © ©1961 Walt Disney Productions Releas BUENA VISTA DIS TION CO.. INC. Mat 204— 74 lines—2cols.x 37 lines ( 5 inches)