Kidnapped (Disney) (1960)

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GIVEAWAY Adventure to the KIDS A Walking-Talking Adventure For “Kidnapped”... Put the youngsters — boys and girls — in the mood for swashbuckling adventure — in storm and shipwreck on the high seas — in hand-to-hand fighting and hair-raising escapes from dangers on land. Distribute this rakish eye patch of black paper through supermarkets, book stores and wherever toys and children's clothing are sold. “KIDNAPPED EYE-PATCH” PRICE SCHEDULE [J ¢, 0.) Sea eB $15.00 1 RAR er neee $39.00 PEO ac astrrsSacses 28.00 IOS vcstanvacvecs 57.50 Special consideration for quantity lots in excess of 5000— $11.00 per M. All prices include shipping. All orders shipped within 24 hours ie : to your theatre prepaid parcel post. Include your check with Auaiighie frome. 3 1186 Broadway, New York 1, N. Y. your order. TREND PRINTING & MAILING Attention: Specialties Department WALT DISNEY | Robert Lous ficvensons D I S N EY PRESENTS Ki D NAPPED r ee eee Pech ricolor. presents Htevensens sialic et Yo Re, ae | K DN APPED! . Peter FINCH ; @ resents : Bernard LEE Sechntcolor WALT D.,. DISNEY SECTIONAL VALANCE. $1.50 per running foot. Mini d 10 f Pete FINCH James MacflRTHUR : Gaheie Peusis ; . pig a g foot. Minimum order—10 feet Htovensons FLAG OR WALL BANNER. ? KIDNAPPED PENNANTS — in 2 Styles— o x it Tech nicotor 1) (5 x 25) decorated pennants. 2) (4 x 27) assorted solid colors. Single Face Flags—$45.00 ea.; | Both styles come in 100 ft. lengths with 48 flags to a unit; and Double Faced Flags—$75.00 ea. q) 30 ft. lengths with 12 pennants to the string. Style (5 x 25) Price: 100’ — $9.00. 30’ — $2.50 Style (4 x 27) Price: 100’ —— $6.00. 30’ — $1.65 Order Direct from... NATIONAL FLAG COMPANY 43 West 21st St., New York 10, N. Y. USHER’S BADGES. WALT In Canada, National Flag represented by Your staff becomes an D ISN Ob KIDNAPPED! itl advance announcement nn THEATRE POSTER SERVICE squad with these badgeAUTO BUMPER BANNER. $1.00 each (Minimum order — 15 pieces) . 227 Victoria St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada es. Price: 40c each. Free Theatre Imprint. Page Eight