Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (Disney) (1966)

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A PROGRAM* of Audio Visual Facilities... *K SPECIAL TECHNICOLOR TRAILER A CRUSOE-APPALOOSA combination facility for your all-Walt Disney Program, as outlined below. TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 612 MINUTES AVAILABLE FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE ome AND A fast-moving capsulization of ‘Run, AppaThe trailer opens with the story line of “Robin Crusoe” in a hilariously nutty nutshell. Sane eek spin: Ron’ Opening with the climactic suk From the moment Robin bails out of his jet plane and into an island paradise, cide race, the trailer switches into the story things start poppin. He meets Floyd, the stranded astrochimp, in an abandoned ALL-WALT DISNEY line, showing how a proud Appaloosa horse is submarine. Then, while playing golf, they discover the footprints of an island girl PROGRAM ... trained by an Indian girl, becomes a circus (Nancy Kwan), who becomes Rob’s Girl Wednesday. These three and a platoon of clown, then redeems himself and the girl in : ; : ; veer : a heart-pounding race against horses, men Polynesian beauties wind up battling for women’s rights against a head hunter and fate: Rey cone lines. A siannede of a6 chief (Akim Tamiroff) in the funniest free-for-all of the century. Key copy lines... Gon. Poden .eien atte ide Ai That other Crusoe never had it so good, or so funny... incredibly hilarious misferent brand of western excitement. adventure!... FREE Teaser Trailer EXTRA! Free Teaserette AVAILABLE FREE FROM NATIONAL SCREEN AVAILABLE FREE FROM YOUR BUENA VISTA RUNNING TIME: 2 Minutes, 55 Seconds REPRESENTATIVE This-trailer gives strong star identification against a zany storytelling backRUNNING TIME: 1 Minute, 23 Seconds ground. Dick Van Dyke is introduced as he is chased by island girls into A behind-the-scenes look at the fun that takes place off stage during the a pond. Floyd the chimp is introduced as the gunslinging denizen of an filming of the fun-filled motion picture. Dick Van Dyke and Floyd the chimp abandoned sub. Nancy Kwan is introduced as a sword swinging swinger are shown watching Nancy Kwan doing a rock and roll dance with two other who loves to play guessing games. Akim Tamiroff is introduced in the girls in sarongs. Nancy bows out and Floyd takes her place with the other midst of his hilarious ride on a torpedo. Final scene is a free-for-all dancers, performing a hilarious parody of their movements. Nancy and studded with fireworks. “South sea island magic has never been so marvelDick applaud, and the scene switches to comedy highlights of the motion ously mad or so fantastically funny!’ picture, interspersed with laughter and applause reaction from members of the cast. FREE RADIO TRANSCRIPTION om, AVAILABLE FROM: Novelty sound effects, novelty dialog and off-beat situations highlight the : Buena Vista Distibution Co. inc. “Robin Crusoe’ radio campaign. Attention getting devices are geared to teenAttn: Specialty Dept. age listeners, and the rest is played mainly for laughs. These spots are alternated NOTE! ATT Madison. Avenue with good, hard-hitting straight ‘sell’ spots. All spots are on a single 12-inch ; New York. N.Y. 10022 disc. 60-second, 30-second and 20-second spots include 5-second open end : 4 for live announcement of theatre and date. There is also a 10-second spot Your paid spots are without open end. only part of your MR. SHOWMAN: “Run, Appaloosa, Run’ is an action-packed plus for your radio campaign. In running radio campaign. The spots for your Crusoe-Appaloosa attraction, have the announcer add, ‘And on the same all-Walt Disney complete campaign program, ‘Run, Appaloosa, Run,’ a breathtaking stampede of action!’’ Other descriptive copy: ““ Rodeo includes an all-out, action at its wildest’’ and “A different brand of western excitement!” fun-filled radio con test promotion—the Your Girl WednesFREE RECORDED INTERVIEWS iexunce test. It is described in detail on subseAVAILABLE FROM: Dick Strout, well known interviewer of Hollywood stars, has made THREE quent pages. Buena Vista Distribution Co., Inc. recorded interviews for “Robin Crusoe,” one with Dick Van Dyke, one with Attn: Specialty Dept. Nancy Kwan and one with Akim Tamiroff. Running time for each is 5 minutes. 477 Madison. Avenue These interviews will be heard over more than 800 radio stations throughout New York, N.Y. 10022 the country. You can add all your local stations to this list, if they are not : already on it. Buena Vista will supply to you, free of charge, an open-end recording of each interview with accompanying scripts for your local announcer. Make these interviews part of your on-the-air campaign. ©1966 Walt Disney Productions. The material in this book is intended for use by exhibitors in the direct advertising, publicizing and exploitation of Walt Disney’s “IT. ROBIN CRUSOE, U.S.N.” and “RUN, APPALOOSA, RUN.” Permission is hereby granted to newspapers, magazines and other periodicals to reproduce the material in this press book for news or editorial use. The permission to reproduce art work herein contained is granted upon the express condition that proper copyright notice be affixed. No other uses of the material contained herein may be made without prior written authority from the copyright proprietor.