The Absent-Minded Professor (Disney) (1961)

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rpen \ a Pcaeye es Lt fi =e 7 oo jap i CElem sh 1 eaturin WALLY LEON AMES ELLIOTT REID EDWARD ANDREWS we oi a BN ai Fis Associate Producer BILL WALSH + Directed by ROBERT STEVENSON + Screenplay by BILL WALSH + Based on a story by SAMUEL W. TAYLOR Released by BuENA v Mat 405—356 lines—4 cols. x 89 lines (25 inches) Crash Yo LAUGH barriap ns the te WACKY oo co OH, PROFESSOR ented 4 u WHAT YOU DID! THE CAMPUS HAS FLIPPED OVER FLUBBER! Also those Shaggy Dog’ Cops FORREST JAMES ith the Comedy Team of Janson’) = =—s« | as the Fire Chief Associate Producer BILL WALSH Directed by ROBERT STEVENSON Screenplay by BILL WALSH Based on a story by SAMUEL W. TAYLOR by BUENA es A Bt tributi T H E A T R E Mat 306—255 lines—3 cols. x 85 lines (18 inches) Page Four oie | Paina the tunhieg discovery cinng faughtenl — Ab snide ates Sop 2 = There’s more comedy-bounce to everything with FLUBBER (the goo that flew) made the campus flip... | co-eds cheer...and | flivvers fly!!! JAMES fpr wene bewwcce cece ibution Co., Walt Disney Productions. AERO OBE LION EY an Ene pod DO ENED : Ser ane rate CRASH THROUGH ey ~~ THE LAUGH BARRIER ) _..With the ZANIEST a wong, comedy in years! JAMES Associate Producer BILL WALSH Directed by _— ema fe screenplay by se pened _ mc by SAMUEL W. TAYLOR =~ = istribution C tons. iL H E A it R E Mat 209—150 lines—2 cols. x 75 lines (11 inches)