Miracle of the White Stallions (Disney) (1964)

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ONE CHANCE AT THE IMPOSSIBLE! they risked everything for a prize greater than victory! WALT DISNEY PRESENTS MIRACLE of the VW HITE, STALLIONS Starring soum TAYLOR: uu PALMER | ff ; , ¥ gar cum JURGENS TECHNICOLOR® = ¢ : : -o0 ALBERT vanes FRANCISCUS LARCH ABBOTT Screenplay by A. J. CAROTHERS Associate Producer PETER V. HERALD * Directed by ARTHUR HILLER * Released by BUENA VISTA Distribution Co.,Inc. » ©1962 Walt Disney Productions Mat 401 456 lines — 4 cols. x 114 lines (33 inches) Page Eight THE DAY A WAR ST00D STILL Se WALT DISNEY PRESENTS MIRACLE Were STALLIONS .for a daring of heroes ands man, a devoted woman, a handful ja thousand magnificent stallions! Starring R Oo B E RT LI LLI Cc U RT Co-starring JAMES Featuring TAYLOR: PALMER -JURGENS .ALBERT-FRANCISCUS -Lancn-asuort Screenplay by A. J. CAROTHERS Associate Producer PETER V.HERALD Directed by ARTHUR HILLER Released by BUENA VISTA Distribution Co,lnc + ©1962 Walt Disney Productions TECHNICOLOR® ye sete ele i ER ae Mat 305 300 lines — 3 cols. x 100 lines (21 inches)