Dear Brigitte (20th Century Fox) (1965)

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avy HNGIA Z UU. euYy IMIS) FABIAN JAMES STEWART GLYNIS JOHNS BILLY MUMY CINDY CAROL 6 lines x 2 col. (12 lines) 2 eale v 14 inab ORDER FROM N.S.S. MAT—2U/ Mat 2A MAT—206 = Fred Kohimar = production 14linesx1col. MAT—101 lcol.x1linch FagiawGiywis JOHNS CINDY CAROL Bitty MUMY UOHNWILLIGMS'JQCKKRUSCHEN as The Captain SiG 2ilinesxicol. ©. MAT—102 70linesxicol, MAT—105 lcol. x 1% inches 1 col. x 5 inches aFred Kohimar production FagianGuys JOHNS CiNDYGaROLBy MUMY JOHN WiLLIGMS-aCKKRUSCHEN ED WYNN fot Ra COLOR » vetuxe ~CINEMASCOPE SES: 56 lines x 2 col. (112 lines) 2col. x 4 inches MAT—204 \AT No. 1 Ss SS Sas ISS S ——————— COLOR BY DELUXE Laugh through every minute of the funniest picture of the year A Fred Kohimar production GLYNIS CINDY FABIAN: JOHNS-CaRO MuMy-WILLaMs KRUSCHEN: WYNN. Produced and Directed by Screenplay by Henry Koster Hal Kanter CINEMASCOPE SIG PETIA a eo EET OR OIE I IE I MAT—110 137 lines x 1 column 1 column x 934 inches