Dear Brigitte (20th Century Fox) (1965)

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WHAT'S ALL THE Posters LAUGHING... SHOUTING AND CHEERING ABOUT ...........--.ssse Ps 6-SHEET 3-SHEET BOtssercantae ees BS BERBHC PRB Ser ee eS Ganaceas ie oe ee oe 2 It's About The Funniest Picture Of The Year!! About a poetry-professor who discovers his eight-yearold son is a mathematical genius who writes love letters to a 36-24-36 sex kitten... about the most hilarious, heartwarming family you've ever met! ALSO AVAILABLE: 24-SHEET 30 x 40 SET OF (8) 11 x 14's 8 x 10 B/W STILLS SLIDE 1-SHEET 40 x 60 WINDOW CARD FRED KOHLMAR PRODUCTION FABIAN: JOHNS-CAROL-MUMY-WILLIAMS-KRUSCHEN-WYiWN COLOR Produced and Directed by HENRY KOSTER Screenplay by HAL KANTER ‘CINEMASCOPE _ The Captain Ss 1G MAT—301 135 lines x 3 cols. (405 lines) 3 cols. x 95 inches INSERT CARD Satin Accessories Special three-piece streamer (top left), size 15 feet, $16.50 each. Sectional valance (bottom left), A Fred Kohlmar production FABIAN JOHNS — CAROL $1.65 per running foot, minimum order 10 feet. Usher’s badge (right), 40 cents each. In U. S. order directly from National Screen BY DELUXE CINEMASCOPE = Service. In Canada order from Guynis JOHNS eaten felnie Bae ie Consolidated Theatre Services, 120 ( INDY CAROL [aBIAN JOHNS CAROL: MUMY Wellington Street W., Toronto, COLOR sy DELUXE Fred KOM ; Ontario. PRINTED IN U.S. A. Copyright © MCMLXV Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation