Do Not Disturb (20th Century Fox) (1965)

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DAY AND NIGHT FASHIONS SENSATIONAL CONTEST PROMOTION INSPIRED BY DORIS DAY The FASHION SKETCHES shown above are by famed Ray Aghayan, designer of the fashions worn by Doris Day in "Do Not Disturb.'' These sketches emphasize the modern "young'’ look so popular in fashions today, and make a very attractive display when grouped together. They are available in a set of stills, which youcan offer to department stores and ladies’ specialty shops for display, publicity and promotion purposes. ORDER FASHION SKETCHES FROM: AD-PUB DEPT. 20th Century-Fox Film Corp. 444 West 56th Street New York, N. Y. 10019 20th Century-Fox is staging the DORIS-FOR-A-DAY LOOK ALIKE CONTEST to find 50 lovely Doris Day Look Alikes — and also to provide a powerful promotion for all engagements of "Do Not Disturb."" Although the contest ends in November, '65, and will operate only through theatres booking "Do Not Disturb'' for Christmas, ‘65, the momentum of the huge amounts of publicity and promotions will carry through and benefit all theatres that book this fine Doris Day comedy. FASHION PROMOTIONS The fashion promotion for ''Do Not Disturb" is in three parts: |. Bardley Country Clothes, a co-sponsor of the "'Doris-For-A-Day Contest,"’ has developed a coast-to-coast newspaper advertising campaign to tie in their products with ''Do Not Disturb."' 2. The Wool Bureau, in conjunction with 20th Century-Fox is preparing a ten-minute fashion featurette which will be distributed to TV stations throughout the country. The featurette is based on the wardrobe tests for ''Do Not Disturb," and will carry complete credits for the film. The Wool Bureau will also service a fashion press kit to fashion editors of newspapers and magazines all over the country. 3. As we go to press negotiations are underway for the Millinery Institute to arrange for the creation of a special ''Do Not Disturb" Hairdo which will be promoted and publicized by that organization's public relations staff. NATIONWIDE TV SATURATION 20th Century-Fox, the first film company to become a participating sponsor on Network TV, will sell ''Do Not Disturb"’ with a series of one-minute commercials on the Nightlife’ show, which is carried by the full ABC network of 191 stations. This TV saturation has been devised to provide tremendous in-depth market penetration for all playdates, and is calculated to pay off heavily at the boxoffice. Its another factor that will help make ‘Do Not Disturb" the most successful of all Doris Day pictures. COAST-T0-COAST HOTEL PROMOTION 20th Century-Fox has distributed the doorknob cards shown here to hotels coast to coast as part of the intense promotional activity on ‘Do Not Disturb."’ When a visitor checks into a hotel room, the first thing he'll see is this attractive color card to use to insure his privacy in the morning. And if he's a stranger in town with nothing to do, the card just might send him to a local newspaper to see where ‘Do Not Disturb" is playing. And if it happens in your town, you've got yourself another customer.