Fraulein (20th Century Fox) (1958)

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=) VMN MNUVUUUUUUUULLLTUULU Ve \| Century-Fen eresente (pronounced Froi-line... it means girl...good or bad!) a DANA MEL DOLORES WYNTER: FERRER: MICHAEL with MAGGIE HAYES THEODORE BIKELLUIS VAN ROOTEN HELMUT DANTINE Poses WALTER REISCH °S"*HENRY KOSTER “3?” LEO TOWNSEND COLOR BY DE LUXE CinemaScoPE An the wonder of STEREOPHONIC SOUND From the Novel by dames McGovern s @ « og MAT— 205 77 lines x 2 cols. (154 lines) (2 cols. x-52 inches) DANA WYNTER raulein COMING MEL FERRER DOLORES MICHAELS rity CINEMAScCOPE MAT—206 7 tires x 2 cols. (14 lines) (2 cols. x Y2 inch) IULIWLIHH LNAI TANTALIZING TRAILER! Sill The ''Fraulein" trailer tantalizes the curiosity, stamps an indelible impression on the viewer that this is one picture he doesn't want to miss. To give your community the fullest opportunity to book their engagements accordingly, run this production trailer at least two weeks in advance. Word-of-mouth expectation will go out of your theatre to convince an ever-widening circle to wait for, watch for ‘Fraulein.’ Make the most of this. opportunity. Order your SOCK APPEAL! Use this exciting picture of eyedazzling Dolores Michaels in her role of a club entertainer in ''Frau lein,"' to add glamor to window, music counter and lobby displays of the Waldorf Record album inspired by the film. Order Still No. 976/112 (shown left) and use an enlargement of this pose as the focal point of your recordfilm window tie-ins. It's a perfect talking point for extra promotional Still No. 976/112 dividends. Provocative Herald Ready! (Cover) (Spread) Exciting, provocative scenes from ‘Fraulein’ highlight your two color Cato Herald which is designed to carry your playdate message everywhere and anywhere; certainly into those toughto-reach areas where your regular campaign story often gets lost. Use them as street give-aways, lobby handouts or as mailing pieces. Circulate them around the stores in your community. Be sure to order enough for every outlet from Cato today. Cost: $5.25 per 1,000 unimprinted. $9.25 per 1,000 imprinted. Order from Cato Show Printing Co., Cato, New York. ASK ANY G.I. ABOUT Century-Fox presents (pronounced means girl...good or bad!) She was a wink, a kiss, an invitation — and he was an American soldier come through hell. who had COLOR by DE LUXE CINEMaScoPE starring She roamed Berlin's streets! Fraulein knew many, many men! DANA WYNTERMEL FERRER: DOLORES MICHAELS with MAGGIE HAYES + THEODORE BIKEL LUIS VAN ROOTEN HELMUT DANTINE HERBERT BERGHOF rust WALTER REISCH.. ovsau HENRY KOSTER . sieeve LEO TOWNSEND in the wonder of STEREOPHONIC SOUND MAT—401 124 lines x 4 cols. (496 lines) (4 cols. x 8% inches) MUTUAL LL = Motion picture theme music is one of your biggest, most important selling aids. Realizing this, Twentieth Century-Fox has tied in with wi Waldorf Records to produce an exciting and dramatic album inspired by "Fraulein." Covered with a scene direct from the DeLuxe Color production, the album is entitled "Themes from Great Films as Inspired by ‘Fraulein'."’ This special album features both orchestrations and vocals of songs and music that have been made famous by some of Hollywood's top productions. Waldorf is syndicated throughout the country to specialty stores, department, five and dime stores and often in greeting card shops. This special record should prove a great boon to your campaign if you actively tie in with these Waldorf outlets in your community. Arrange with managers for in-store and window displays as well as cooperative advertising. By furnishing ad art, stills and display material available in this campaign book, you can make the most of this cross-promotional plus. Contact your local shops now, well in advance of your dates. A ‘Natural’ For Radio "Fraulein" is the kind of picture that can best be sold over your local radio stations. With more listeners today than ever before, radio is the perfect selling arm for your playdate campaign and by using the !ive radio spots printed at right you can reach audience levels untapped by other campaign mediums. Spot these announcements on daytime programs to reach women listeners who rely on radio for entertainment while doing their housework. Also, don't miss the all-important rush hours when car radios are in use. During the evening you can hitch-hike these spots to popular disk jockey programs or to local station variety shows for round-the-clock coverage. Used with imagination, these "Fraulein" radio spots will play a big part in your playdate success story. > EL “FRAULEIN” INSPIRES L.P. ALBUM =>; te Paine a ee ee SETR: FI GREAT (ALBUM COVER) LIVE RADIO SPOTS Station Break “Fraulein,” the story every G.l. knows, comes to the screen (Date), (Name) Theatre, siarring Dana Wynter, Mel Ferrer, Dolores Michaels! “Fraulein,” the startling truth about post-war Berlin, now, in CinemaScope, DeLuxe Color, Don’t miss “Fraulein.” 30 Seconds “Fraulein,” the wink, the kiss, the invitation! “Fraulein,” the startlingly frank story of the good-time girls in post-war Berlin, now at the (Date), (Name) Theatre! “Fraulein,” filmed by Twentieth Century-Fox in CinemaScope, Deluxe Color in Germany, stars Dana Wynter, Mel Ferrer, Dolores Michaels. Don’t miss the story every G.I. knows! “‘Fraulein.’’ 60 Seconds “Fraulein”’—the G.1.’s prize of war! ‘Fraulein,’ the good-time girl who brightened post-war Berlin, comes to the screen (Date) at the (Name) Theatre! Torn from the pages of James McGovern’s frank best-seller; filmed. in CinemaScope, DeLuxe Color by Twentieth Century-Fox in Germany! It’s the startling drama of the crucial days when the Russians and the Americans vied for power and love in war-weary Berlin. It’s the poignant story of the xirls who chose the bitter road to survival and of one in particular who found true love with a G.l. who -had come through hell. itself. “Fraulein,” produced by Walter Reisch, directed by Henry Koster and starring Dana Wynter, Mel Ferrer, Dolores Michaels, now at the (Name) Theatre! |WIN TULA TUT NH HH ye = | {NHI Tl {i} ATAVGAATRSGATT UHL HTGAWITRRUHITHTEUVREIOTTTTLUH TUTTI il Page Four.