Hombre (20th Century Fox) (1967)

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PAUL NEWMAN PLAYS TITLE ROLE IN ''HOMBRE'! Paul Newman is ''Hombre,'' in the 20th Century-Fox release which comes to the Theatre on . Filmed in Panavision and DeLuxe Color, the dramatic off-the-trail Western co-stars Fredric March, Richard Boone, Diane Cilento, Cameron Mitchell, Barbara Rush and Martin Balsam with Newman. Martin Ritt, who co-produced and directed ''Hombre'' with Irving Ravetch, has an enviable record of serious, but entertaining screen hits. Ravetch, along with his wife, Harriet Frank, Jr., wrote the screenplay for the picture from Elmore Leonard's novel. They previously worked with Ritt, starting with ''The Long, Hot Summer'' and climaxing with the award-winning ''Hud.'"' —"Hombre!' marks the sixth time Ritt has directed Paul Newman on the screen. Their association actually goes back to the Actors Studio where Newman was one of Ritt's students, who included Newman's wife, Joanne Woodward, Rod Steiger, Lee Remick and Anthony Franciosa. In fact, many of the stars of ''Hombre,'' as well as many of the technical crew, have worked with Ritt onprevious pictures. James Wong Howe, director of photography, won an Oscar for his work in ''Hud.'' Ritt has also worked with stars Cameron Mitchell and Barbara Rush. For those who keep up with awards, it is common knowledge that Fredric March has won two Oscars, Newman has been nominated three times, Diane Cilento once and Martin Balsam won an Oscar last year as best supporting actor in ''A Thousand Clowns.'' This does not include the winners and nominations among members of the production staff. "'Hombre'' is the story of a white man raised from childhood by the Apaches until he is more Indian than white who is suddenly thrown into the position of having the destiny of a group of whites in his hand. wb LL Lb WNIN ANNAN INANE