Come Fly With Me (MGM) (1963)

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THE MILE HI-LARIOUS STORY OF ;/ THREE AIRLINE STEWARDESSES ON A ROUND-THE-WoRLD MANHUNT ty Metro Golwyn ComE wiTH 600 mph, with a date tonight } in Paris, tomorrow in Vienna fi, and Cairo calling on the phone. .PANAVISION® :: METROCOLOR 5: POT ry STARRING DOLORES HUGH ° /*KARL HART OBRIAN BOEHM PAMELA KARL Lois 4 * Be TIFFIN: MALDEN NETTLETON Fly with Me’’ creen Story and Screen Play by ~—=— Directed by = 22 + ~~——_—~—«~Produce WILLIAM ROBERTS ~ HENRY LEVIN ANATOLE DE GRUNWALD ean THEATRE Ad No. 313—525 Lines (3 Cols. x 175 Lines) AR OBR BET iy ‘elton. A ROMANtic¢ ) JROUNDTHE-WORLD Li Manuunt! E ame She ? wants —¢€ AManwith Marriage on his mind ree i er Or oh ? wantSa man with money SHA OO. a er PANAVISION® = WWeTed iicrrocolor 4©=IMIE DOLORES HUGH WLART OBRIAN BOE TIFFIN MALDEN NETTLETON IMIGIM THEATRE Ad No. | 13—100 Lines THE MILE HI-LARIOUS STORY OF THREE THEATRE Ad No, 212—100 Lines (2 Cols. x 50 Lines) »PANAVISION’ i -METROCOLOR §§