Imitation General (MGM) (1958)

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The wonderful Story of a Sergeant who “promoted” himself to General! Red’s First Since It’s that His Academy Award! gugeee‘‘Don’t Go Near The Water” . oy guy the wildest om, “SNAFU” the Army ever knew! M b G E M Presents Co-Starring RED BUTTONS TAINA LG with DEAN JONES Play ty WILLIAM BOWERS Based On the Story by WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN in CinemaScope Directed by Produced by GEORGE MARSHALL + WILLIAM HAWKS An M-G-M Picture STATE Ad No. 206—2 Cols. x 7!/2" (210 Lines) The Wildest “SNAFU” The Army Ever Knew! Red’s First Since His Academy Award! M-G-M Presents GLENN FORD. IMITATION GENERAL RED BUTTONS -TAINA ELG with DEAN JONES * In CinemaScope STATE Ad No. I 11 | Col. x 5'' (106 Lines) It’s that “Don’t Go Near The Water” guy . GLENN FORD_ (3 in IMITATION GENERAL From M-G-M in CINEMASCOPE = RED BUTTONS TAINA ELG sis\'oxs THEATRE 2nd Feature Ad No. 209—2 Cols. x 2!/2" (70 Lines) It's that “Don't Go Near The Water” guy asa Sergeant who “traded his Stripes for a General’ Star... The wonderful story of the wildest ‘‘SSNAFU’”’ the Army ever knew ! Red’s First Since His Academy Award! M-G-Mevesenss ll ; on : Co-Starring RED BUTTONS: TTAINA FLAG Screen Play b am DEAN JONES Wictian Bowers i Cane A Directed by Produced by ee SE GEORGE MARSHALL WILLIAM HAWKS ae Ad No. 306—3 Cols. x 8"' (336 Lines)