Light in the Piazza (MGM) (1962)

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THEATRE LAST 2 DAYS METRO a" MAYER. : aig oie: +t <n aril de HALLAD BRA MIMAEUX\ HAMILTON Ad No. L-103 | Col. x 5" (70 Lines) Piazza’ CINEMASCOPE « METROCOLOR™ passions of a woman a the mind of a child? METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, PRESENTS AN ARTHUR, FREED propucrion starring O LIVIA and co-starring _,, (erm ILLMID: wi MIMIEUK HANI TON SULLIVAN JULIUS J. EPSTEIN tzsstsenseexec’ « evsstee GUY GREEN + XIN in Ae and , METROCOLOR Ad No. 452—500 Lines (4 Cols. x 125 5 Lines) Starts THURSDAY THEATRE METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER. presenrs an ARTHUR. FREED prooucrion ight im the Piazza’ What does life hold for a girl with the body and passions of a woman and the mind of a ah fo nab wat BRA EL HA saree” JULIUS JLEPSTEIN» etzieetn'srercee eee GUY GREEN ‘L Ad No. L-202—2 Cols x 4" (112 Lines) METRO pees MAYER * eeiiiting GRE THEATRE i remy fe Mos ie (i iit ae ARTHUR Fh FREED m PRODUCTION pF; ight in the Piazza’ MIMEUX\ HAMILTON CINEMASCOPE * METROCOLOR | NEXT ATTRACTION | Ad No. L-104 | Col. x 5'' (70 Lines)