Mail Order Bride (MGM) (1964)

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i meee ee ee ee a t Here comes : the bride tare = r a ...and a. | ° t the : , s hillbilly ° weal! ; OSNCI LLIN ‘© METROCOLOR ss Bucy Keir Aoi ——— FBSEN DULLEA NETTLETON Warren OATES Burt, KENNEDY: Bu rb KEN N FDY. Richa rd E LYONS Ad No. | 10—1I00 Lines “Why a ¥ te eel settle: oh reer ee fora : plain «= ate wnen : : 1, a gL ae =o oD AeA -*~ “He's gonna, marry : respectable METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER, even if it takes ie . a Shotgun to do it? {3 Brid on MGM Records “ fren OATES Burt, KENNEDY: Burt, KENNEDY: Richard E.LYONS Led my | ey nn Rae een Ad No. 308—270 Lines (3 Cols. x 90 Lines) . NO oa ole ETRO-GOLOWIN-AMAYER, De i nie hE GAC sy, AER > ; GOS We SN oe NS ) | | ittakes a % shotgun weddin to doit? ' PANAVISION’ AN METROCOLOR Ad No. 307—360 Lines (3 Cols. x 120 Lines) KEIR BSE iif ert ' PANAVISION®* METROCOLOR TMS ticle Mie Te RS Ad No. |11—75 Lines