The Cincinnati Kid (MGM) (1965)

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METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PRESENTS STEVE | EDWARDG. = JUEEN ROBINSON ~ THE KID THE MAN ying fo betting all J the way on his __ LADYFINGERS CiNCiNN? 2 i : : -she couldnt S vs determined what it means be bluffed F his wife faster. to be a woman. Sf to be gutted. : FIP TORN: JACK WESTON Kr NAT RING LARDNER, JR. ano TERRY SOUTHERN Based on the best-selling novel “Te CINCINNATI io” ey RIGHARD JESSUP LBD ai NORMAN JEWISON A FILMWAYS-SOLAR PICTURE HEAR RAY CHARLES | (@ SING THE TITLE SONG! METROCOLOR ‘s Ad No. 550—625 Lines (5 Cols. x 125 Lines) He'd take on anyone, at anything, anytime At was only a matter of who came first! Hed take on anyone, at anything, anytime . ... it was only a matter of who came first! | METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER PRESENTS STEVE | EDWARD G.| ANN«7 McQUEEN ROBINSON MARGRET | ; wacn RANSOHOFF proouction A Mel Ms a a | STEVE MCQUEEN EDWARD 6. ROBINSON -ANNAMARGRET CiNCiINNAT: KARL MALDEN-TUESDAY WELD-CAB CALLOWAY-JOAN BLONDELL IN A MARTIN RANSOHOFF PRODUCTION ints } THE | CINCINNATI | KID [esas RIP TORN = JACK WESTON « RING LARDNER.JR.ano TERRY SOUTHERN ww METROCOLOR ee ees | Eas] @. BASED ON THE NOVEL RICHARD JESSUP*NORMAN JEWISON*A FILMWAYS-SOLAR PICTURE [Sing the Title Song! Ad No. 219—100 Lines (2 Cols. x 50 Lines) oe ok Tee Ad No. 308—200 Lines (3 Cols. x 66 Lines)