The Colossus of Rhodes (MGM) (1961)

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Starts THURS. T E AT R E A MONSTER STATUE QF BRONZE AND STONE. A FABULOUS FORTRESS Colossus OF RHODES AZING COLO oolEAMASSAR, ERE TRC: CONRADD f MARTIN ANGEL ARANDA crRtiO LEONE » MIGHELE SCAGLIONE in SupertotaScone Produced by CINEPRODUZIONI Or he and EASTMANCOLOR * Rome-PROCUSA, Madrid-C.F.P.C. and 6.1.1 Ad No. L-203—2 Cols. x 7!/." (210 Lines) This line drawing is not available as a mat. It may be used as art in constructing line plate ads for use where half-tone results are not of the best. IT TOWERS OVER EVERY SCREEN .. SPECTACLE! THE MONSTER STATUE OF IN BLAZING —— Fanebiaiar BRONZE AND STONE— Metro-GolynMay 20 STORES TALL... in whose shadow lurked Rory CALHOUN Heb aa nd a ——————————i of | | a COLOSSUS @ of RHODES cn LEA MASSARI ws GEORGES MARCHAL CONRADO SAN MARTIN ANGEL ARANDA Directed by Executive Producer SERGIO LEONE * MICHELE SCAGLIONE in SupertotalScope Produced by CINEPRODUZIONI ASSOCIATE, and EASTMANCOLOR ” Rome-PROCUSA, Madrid: C.F.P.C. and C1. Panis Starts THURS. THEATRE Ad No. L-301—3 Cols. x 8" (336 Lines) THEATRE Starts THURSDAY SHAPED LIKE A MAN... A FABULOUS FORTRESS TWENTY STORIES TALL! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents RORY CALHOUN in BLAZING COLOR with TEA MASSARI GEORGES MARCHAL CONRADO SAN MARTIN 1 ANGEL ARANDA in SupertotalScope Ad No. 12022 eas x 33," (106 Lines)