Monkey Hustle (American International Pictures) (1976)

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COMPLETE AD-CAMPAIGN ON A SINGLE MAT Order From National Screen Service Meet Daddy Fox, Baby D., Goldie and the whole gang! ... They gonna do the ‘MONKEY HysTLe’ ee 7611-38-22A TENDER MOMENT-Yaphet Kotto as Daddy Foxx, streetwise king of the conmen, holds Rosalind Cash as Sweet Mama, proprietress of the local soul-food restaurant. In the teeming, rip-off world of the ghetto, they manage to eke out a few moments of happiness in American Interna tional Pictures’ fun-filled film, “The Monkey Hustle,” which opens atthe __——_—séattheatre. 4 ‘MONKEY HUSTLE AN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Starring YAPHET KOTTO -: RUDY RAY MOORE Also Starring ROSALIND CASH KIRK CALLOWAY JACK CONRAD Screenplay by CHARLES JOHNSON :Story by ODIE HAWKINS Produced and Directed by ARTHUR MARKS [PG an aeue ee | SUITABLE TOR PRE TEENAGERS ee> AN ARTHUR MARKS FILM Color by MOVIELAB It ain't legal an it sure ain't safe ... but it do seem worthwhile! MONKEY HUSTLE AN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Starring YAPHET KOTO RUDY RAY MOORE I (PaOnuey Color by MOVIELAB HUSTLE PG shoal It ain't legal STARRING a ae Waal: YAPHET KOTTO -seem worthwhile! RUDY RAY MOORE RMON KEy aw American International sicrure HUSTLE Starring Sa = AN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE RON ie HUSTLE STARRING YAPHET KOTTO RUDY RAY MOORE aw American International picture ‘ ni ‘iT MONKEY HUSTLE AN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Starring YAPHET KOTTO ally RAY MOORE © 1976 American International Pictures, Inc. AD-PUB MAT SPECIAL MAT No.C‘1