Adventures of Kitty O'Day (Monogram) (1945)

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THE CAST OT St eee ee JEAN PARKER _...TIM RYAN LORNA GREY JAN WILEY Mike RALPH SANFORD Sauter.. WILLIAM FORREST Roberts .. BYRON FOULGER HUGH PROSSER Bascom......DICK ELLIOTT Tracey.....WILLIAM RUHL Jett SHELTON BROOKS Detective Farce for Local Screen (Advance) Assorted homicides form the basis of “Adventures of Kitty O'Day,” the Monogram comedy which comes to the theatre on PS RR eee ten eh , and has already been hailed as one of the most hilarious farces of the season. Titian-haired Jean Parker is seen in the title role, and heads a trio which. also includes Peter Cookson and Tim Ryan—Cookson as her devoted boy-friend and Ryan as a bungling, serious-minded police officer. As the story opens, the excitable Miss Parker hears revolver shots over a telephone—which is right up her alley, so to speak. She and her beau have long fancied themselves as amateur detectives, and when they find the body of a man who has been on the receiving end of the overheard shots, they leap into the case with yelps of delight. But by the time they return to the scene with officer Ryan in tow, the inconsiderate corpse has. disappeared. This is the introduction to a fast-developing plot which involves the murder of various characters, including innocent bystanders, and the picture reaches new comedy heights with every homicide. “Adventures of Kitty O’Day” was directed by William Beaudine, and was filmed under the production supervision of Lindsley Parsons. Shsih 30 seus, 8 end 6 aL eLere, 6: 8 CREDITS Executive Director TREM CARR Produced by LINDSLEY PARSONS Directed by Jean Parker Heads Cast of Hilarious Murder Comedy : (Review) An atmosphere of gay hilarity was in evidence at the ere Meer eer theatre last night, with the opening performance of the Monogram comedy, “Adventures of Kitty O’Day.” Without doubt, this qualifies as one of the merriest comedies of thje season. Featured roles in this vastly en-* WILLIAM BEAUDINE Photographed by MACK STENGLER, A.S.C. Edited by RICHARD PIKE Production Manager WILLIAM STROHBACH Assistant Director EDDIE DAVIS Musical Director EDWARD J. KAY Technical Director DAVE MILTON Recorded by JOHN CARTER tertaining film are enacted by a trio of players whose performances are a positive delight. Jean Parker is seen as an excitable young girl who starts a train of confusion when she tries her hand as an amateur detective; Peter Cookson is the devoted boy-friend who is a party to her hair-brained exploits; and Tim Ryan is a bungling, serious-minded Irishman who is incontestably a real detective, though not a very effective one. Between the three of them, they manage to embroil themselves in a hectic plot involving several murdered men, THE STORY (Not For Publication) Kitty and Johnny, telephone operator and travel bureau clerk, respectively, at the Townley Hotel, become involved in a murder when Kitty hears shots over the phone. They investigate, find the body of a man and call police officers, Clancy and Mike, only to find the body has disappeared when the police arrive. At first the officers refuse to believe that any crime has been committed, as Kitty and Johnny have been mixed up in other murders as somewhat bothersome amateur detectives. Jewel robberies of the hotel sate have been occuring recently, and Tracey, an insurance investigator, is sent to investigate. More murders are committed, and finally the body of businessman Williams, the first one killed, is found again. Mrs. Williams and Nick Joel are suspected of the murders, as Mrs. Wiliams has claimed that -her husband was in Chicago. Finally Kitty suspects Sauter, manager of the hotel, and goes to his room to uncover some real clues. Sauter confronts her, and is just about to do away with her when Johnny and the police rush in and save her. It is discovered that Williams and Sauter have been in cahoots to rob the hotel safe. Williams decided to doublecross Sauter, but before he could do so, was killed by Sauter. The latter also killed Roberts, room clerk of the hotel when the latter tried to blackmail him after finding out who was robbing the hotel sate. Sauter had also killed Tracy, when the latter was too hot on the trail. And so, with the help of Kitty and Johnny, the murders are solved. Se senenennenscieeee and an infinitely greater number of hilarious situations. Never has homicide been made to seem more humorous. Much of the credit for the film’s success goes to director William Beaudine, who has handled the entire story with an expertly humorous touch. Another important factor was the story by Victor Hammond which was adapted for the screen by Hammond, Tim Ryan and George Callahan. Other members of the superlative comedy cast of “Adventures of Kitty O'Day” are Jan Wiley, Byron Foulger, Ralph Sanford, William Shelton Brooks, William Forrest, LornaGrey, Hugh Prosser and Dick Elliiott. Lindsley Parsons has produced on a thoroughly satisfactory scale, and photography by Mack Stengler is excellent. Jean Parker in New Comedy Another in the delightful Monogram comedy series chronicling the exploits of an amateur girl detective= comes’ to“the= Se. UIMERERC SOM see cr tat , with the opening of “Adventures of Kitty O’Day.” Jean Parker appears in the title role, and featured with her are Peter Cookson and Tim Ryan, while the cast also includes Ralph Sanford, William Ruhl, Jan Wiley, Shelton Brooks, Byron Foulger, Lorna Grey, Dick Elliott and Hugh Prosser, William Beaudine directed for producer Lindsley Parsons, and the original story by Victor Hammond was adapted for the screen by Hammond, Tim Ryan and George Callahan. SUCCESS Tim Ryan and his radio partner appeared some years ago as a guest comedy act on the Rudy Vallee program, and made such an instantaneous hit that they were retained as featured performers for 13 weeks. Ryan contes*to7 the 2 ek Sea oe