Adventures of Kitty O'Day (Monogram) (1945)

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EC en eee eeennmane DISPLAY DETECTIVE EQUIPMENT! Police equipment, and siezed guns, blackjacks, handcuffs, billies and gas guns, machine guns, crime detecting apparatus and exhibits might be borrowed for a lobby or window flash. All copy should use title “Adventures of Kitty O'Day” in it. Such as: Jean Parker and Peter Cookson, the amateur detectives in the film don’t use the latest, modern crime detecting equipmeni—they bungle the job too well without it...see... etc. fete Oe POLICE BENEFIT! Work out a benefit proposition with your local gendarmes which would justify their support. They might sell tickets with a percentage to go to their fund. Another angle would be to have them distribute cards which urge those receiving them to attend on a certain night and to present the card at that time. * * * YOUR RADIO ANNOUNCEMENTS! 100 WORDS: ANNCR: Presenting “The Adventures of Kitty O’Day .. . starring Jean Parker, Peter Cookson and ace comedian, Tim Ryan. Yes, Detective Kitty O’Day is back again in a rollicking, gay, mystery-comedy, that is guaranteed laff fodder. It’s screen adventure at its best ... as Jean and Peter romp their way thru a murder or two. Tim Ryan is at his funniest and the supporting cast at its best. For an evening’s grand entertainment it's “The Adventures of Kitty O’Day” with Jean Parker, Peter Cookson and Tim Ryan... now at the Monogram Theatre! See it! 50 WORDS: ANNCR: The Monogram Theatre takes great pleasure in presenting “The Adventures of Kitty O’Day” with Jean Parker, Peter Cookson and Tim Ryan. A gay, ro mantic mystery comedy that will leave you in stitches for weeks to come. It's all fun and real entertainment . . . “The Adventures of Kitty O’Day” . and what adventures they are... with Jean Parker and Peter Cookson. Monogram Theatre now! cree Gan 3 FINGERPRINT ‘EM! With cooperation of local law enforcement agencies, set up a fingerprint-taking booth. Your police department will go all the way on this as they are always on the lookout for a stunt to get citizens’ prints taken for records to be used in case of disasters, etc. Tie in Kitty O’Day with all your advertising of the booth. Copy such as “Kitty O’Day suggests you have your fingerprints taken ... see “Adventures of Kitty O'Day”... etc. * aa ee USE NATIONAL SCREEN! Playing the sock trailer made by National Screen Service is a sure way to guarantee selling “Adventures of Kitty O’Day.” N.S.S. has produced a top Pre-Vue so give it good location in your schedule. For those exhibitors who want flashy accessories to augment their regular advertising, National Screen Accessories offer smart screen posters on a rental basis Sizes 40x60 and 30x40 are available at branches in all key cities. NATIONAL PROMOTION! The Strap-Lettes Company of Los Angeles has a national .advertising campaign, now in full swing, for the famed creation of Ern Westmore, the “Hollywood Canteen Bag.” Over 500 department stores throughout the United States are featuring the bag. Each store has displays and stills (see below) of Jean Parker modeling the product. Arrange attractive CO-OP window displays and CO-OP newspaper ads with the stores handing the bag, using scenes from “THE ADVENTURES OF KITTY O’DAY” as well as the tie-up still. BIG Coast-to-Coast “KITTY O'DAY PUBLICITY! ee * Might also give lobby space to a good looking exhibit from the stores. Order additional stills from THE STRAP-LETTES COMPANY, 808 SOUTH BROADWAY, LOS ANGELES 14, CALIFORNIA. x Ke “DETECTIVE THRILLERS" DISPLAY! Libraries will cooperate with you on a special exhibit of detective thriller stories in conjunction with your showing of “ADVENTURES OF KITTY O’DAY.” Print up a batch of bookmarks and distribute them to book fans thru stores and the libraries. Furnish stills to the shops and libraries for display purposes, Ko TWO FREE ENDORSEMENT MATS! Showmen all over the country are using these mats to further sell pictures with comedy and mys “r : MYSTERY mee SELECTION tery themes. Use them consistently on all advertising ... lobby, newspaper and handbill throwaways. Use them together on “Adventures of Kitty O'Day.” For gratis mats (above) write MONOGRAM EXPLOITATION DEPT., 4376 SUNSET DRIVE, HOLLYWOOD, 27. Remember, they are FREE for the request! Send for yours now!