Allotment Wives (Monogram) (1945)

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Paul Ea tine ne and husky, | GANGLAND DRAMA EXPOSES SERVICE CANTEEN MASKS | |looks like an athlete—and is. The | PERIL TO U. S. SERVICE MEN OPERATIONS OF RACKETEERS sige Gece ete ad te ee A free canteen for service men, operated by a magnetic} cal trim by rigorous sessions of | (Review) woman who is looked up to as one of San Francisco’s most| tennis, handball and swimming. | Especially interesting to millions of Americans because public-spirited citizens, furnishes the background for a part| Kel comes to the .......... the-| of its timeliness is “Allotment Wives,” the Monogram drama DULG ON Sere Gee in “Allotment : ‘ ¢ f the story of “Allotment Wives,” the amazing M eae : | Which opened an engagement at the 0 theatre last “ mg Monogram) Wives,” the Monogram drama in night. It presents a problem which ‘directly affects uncount : felccomes 10 the: 2.5 ee which he is co-starred with Ka ; 3 : : : dt Sse WICH Satie te os ne x theatre on |Francis and Otto Kruger | ed men in the armed services—and its story is told in a melee ee ey “ae ; |odramatic tempo which makes it Otto Kruger in the starring roles. | \ a vastly exciting. But what the appreciative pubARREST “ALLOTMENT WIVES AT CANTEEN In the feminine starring role Kay | PAPER TIP lic does not realize is that the can teen is conducted by Miss Francis Francis, operating behind “the ? “front” of a beauty salon, is the| the supposedly civic-minded woman i Secaal< Won abe aoe soviied: te in question, merely as a blind to prey on service men by leading oe LO eg ooigs is mts . : “ them to enter into marriages with | PEROT Serer eee aa ee wey: girls already wed several times, and | Pewaukee ee ke thus bringing in a rich harvest of e = allotments and insurance awards. ent pe ie ees esta Miss Francis imparts to her roie are girls hire y e gang to 4 a calculating hardness which breaks contract numerous bigamous maronly when she sees her own daughriages with the fighting men in ter, Teala Loring, becoming involorder to secure not only their allotved in the sordid atmosphere which ment checks but also their insurthe mother has done much to ance benefits in the event they are create. killed. Co-starred in the film, and giving How Kelly, an army officer masperformances equally convincing, querading as a newspaper reporter, are Otto Kruger as Miss Francis’ proceeds against the gang, in spite | principal henchman in the gang, and of the scheming of Miss Francis Paul Kelly as an army officer who and her principal henchman, Krureturns to his previous job as a San ger, makes a story which is said Francisco newspaper reporter in to be a constant succession of draorder to round, up the criminals by matic situations. undercover detective work. The un The cast supporting the three usually competent cast includes stars in “Allotment Wives” includes Gertrude Michael, Bernard Nedell, Gertrude Michael, Teala Loring, Anthony Warde, Matty Fain, JonaBernard Nedell, Anthony Warde, than Hale and Selmer Jackson. i : Events move swiftly in the story, Matty Fain, Jonathan Hale and| oo ctars Kay Francis and Paul Kelly observe a canteen girl suspected x saga : Selmer Jackson. William Nigh di . z : 5 and many dramatic situations are : of marrying several service men for their allotments, taken into custody | . : 1 : rected, and the film was produced! py anthony Warde in Monogram’s dramatic hit, “Allotment Wives,” sven 2b Sne thriiae fee iion. of | pay elly wad. bas assistant, Anby Miss Francis and Jeffrey Beropening .......... Ricthe. es theatre. Otto Kruger also has a the underworld, with violence and thony Warde, check over informanerd. The screenplay by Harvey | starring role. blazing guns. Quite aside from its| tien which discloses the heads of a Gates and Sidney Sutherland was attention to the problem of the ser-| syndicate of swindlers in Monoadapted for the screen from the vice man, the picture is filled with gram’s exciting drama, “Allotment original story by the latter. interest of a very absorbing kind. | Wives,” coming to the “Allotment Wives” has been lavtheatre RIOR Ge oc cee Kay Franishly mounted by producer Jeffrey | Cis and Otto Kruger co-star with IMPULSIVE FILM FAN BECAME ACTOR TO START "TALKIES" Bemend ands. Beatle who. AlS0) eye Otto Kruger is in complete accord with the proverb which| directed, has expertly handled the One Col. Scene Mat No. S6 Two Column Scene Mat No. S20 DASHING GIRL For a girl, Kay Francis went in for unconventional athletics while a ce ee ee SR she was attending school, and still treasures a mark of 12 seconds (flat) for the 100-yard dash. Miss Francis comes to’ the .....2.... theatre on co-starred with Paul Kelly and Otto Kruger in ‘Allotment Wives,” the startling Monogram drama which exposes the current “marriage racket” directed against U. S. service men. RACKETEER Kay Francis appears next ........ AbSPNE: as is leis tae theatre as the head of a marriage racket in “Allotment Wives,’ Monogram’s startling expose in which she is co-starred with Paul Kelly and Otto Kruger. MOBSTER Debonair Otto Kruger is a henchman of racketeering gang leader Kay Francis in “Allotment Wives,” Monogram’s gripping drama due MOEXG Ss a7 ute Bi ONS s oe wean ce theatre. Paul Kelly co-stars with the two film gangsters as a government investigator. One Col, Scene Mat No. S4 declares that “he whp hesitates is lost’—and that explains how he became an actor. Kruger is now appearing on the screen of the theatre in “Allotment Wives,” co-starred with Kay Francis and Paul Kelly drama which exposes a vicious “mar| riage racket” now operating against | service men. “For some unaccountable reason,” says Kruger, “I am usually depicted as being in private life a calm, methodical individual who never makes a move or a decision without the most careful thought. Actually, just the opposite is true. I realize that many people feel it the better part of wisdom to ‘think it over’ for a few days, but I seem to be just too impatient for that. “Many years ago I became an| actor on an impulse of the moment; I had never done any acting before. Sitting one evening in a Toledo motion picture theatre in the days of | silent films, I thought what an improvement it would be if the players on the screen could be heard to speak their ‘lines. Immediately I went to the manager with the suggestion that he engage me to head a group of people who would supply voices for the characters. We could rehearse with each picture before it was shown, I pointed out, and then stand behind the screen during the regular performances, each person assuming one of the characters and speaking lines in the nearest possible synchronization with the action. “The idea made a hit with the manager and, later, with his audiences, and my friends and myself were kept busy for several months at our outlandish occupation. Thus began the screen’s first talking pictures, and thus, too, began my own career aS an actor.” The cast supporting Kruger, Miss Francis and Kelly in “Allotment Wives” includes Gertrude Michael, Teala Loring, Bernard Nedell, Anthony Warde, Matty Fain, Jonathan Hale and Selmer Jackson. William Nigh directed for Miss Francis and Jeffrey Bernerd, co-producers, and the original story by Sidney Suther-. land was adapted for the screen by Sutherland and Harvey Gates. | in an amazing¥ BEAUTY Before she entered motion pictures, Teala Loring won a Denver beauty contest for three successive years, and reigned as “Miss Denver.” The pulchritudinous Miss Loring comes to the ...4...... theBLNe* OMmre.s ieee as Kay Francis’ daughter in “Allotment Wives,” Monogram’s amazing expose of a “marriage racket” directed against service men, with Miss. Francis, Paul Kelly and Otto Kruger in the starring roles. STAR-PRODUCER Kay Francis occupies a niche all her own in the motion pic. ture world, as a star of the screen and also producer of the pictures in which she appears. Miss Francis is now appearing at the theatre in “Allotment Wives,’ Monogram drama which exposes the details of a marriage racket against U.S. service men, and in which She is co-starred with Paul Kelly and Otto Kruger. STUDENT Otto Kruger has spent the equivalent of 16 years in various colleges, including Columbia University and the University of Michigan, taking courses in such widely varied subjects as forestry, higher mathemat ics, navigation, painting, forging, aes| ; thetics and psychology, and supplementing a youthful education along musical lines. Kruger, starred with Kay Francis and Paul Kelly, is now appearing on the screen of the .... Pues theatre in “Allotment Wives,” Monogram’s amazing drama exposing the duping of service men. situations provided in a fast-moving story by Sidney Sutherland. SECRETARY Kay Francis was a “business girl’ before she became an actress, and was successively private secretary to W. K. Vanderbilt, Dwight Morrow and Governor Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania. Miss Francis comes to the suaticapen be THEATTEON’ Sin ee in “Allotment Wives,’ Monogram’s amazing drama of the current marriage racket against service men, in which she is costarred with Otto Kruger and Paul Kelly. RACKET HITS HOME Monogram’s “Allotment Wives,” now PE HUE ¢ Can Brae en at theatre, reaches an emotional crisis when Kay Francis learns of her daughter Teala Loring’s involvement in a service men’s marriage racket. Paul Kelly and Otto Kruger co-star with Miss Francis. One Col. Scene Mat No. S1 Actress’ Career Began at Three Teala Loring is one of Hollywood’s young actresses who literally grew up in the theatre. At 22, she has a background of almost a score of years as an actress. Miss Loring comes to the ...... Bao accrs theatre ono tat. 7a oe aS the daughter of Kay Francis in “Allotment Wives,” Monogram’s startling drama of a “marriage racket” which stars Miss Francis, Paul Kelly and Otto Kruger. When Teala was three years old she began her theatrical career as the junior partner in Gibson & Company, a vaudeville act in which her mother led the youtigster through a routine of songs, dances and patter. For many years thereafter the pair toured the vaudeville circuits in the summer and in the winter lived in Denver, where the growing child frequently appeared in juvenile parts at the Tabor Opera House. When she had become a young lady she won a local beauty contest for three successive years, and was crowned ‘Miss Denver.” And then—Hollywood and motion pictures, in which Miss Loring has been turning her acting experience to good account. “Allotment Wives” was directed by William Nigh, and produced jointly by Miss Francis and Jeffrey Bernerd. ; SILENT “TALKIES” Otto Kruger’s first association with the stage came many years ago in Toledo, Ohio, when he headed a group of people con-. cealed behind the screen, each speaking dialogue for one of the characters in the silent films of the day, and thus inaugurat ing “talking pictures.” Kruger COMECS=tOSNE = ar a eae on ate evaksaly great busi in “Allotment Wives,” Monogram’s _ startling drama of the current “marriage racket” against service men, in which he is co-starred with Kay Francis and Paul Kelly. SSE