Barefoot Boy (Monogram) (1938)

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Lorett Toss Backs Star Promotion With A Start A “Cats Cradle” Craze! Everyone who's ever been a kid reOpportunity to pack game, played by two people with a string of members the "cat's cradle" cord. Adapt it for your showing of ''Bare foot Boy" and use still No. 4 to illusWrite to: trate the contest. A : Rothchild-Kaufman ward prizes to youngsters completing the routine in the shortest posCompany sible time . . . and have competitions 836 S. Los Angeles St. in schools, playgrounds and Sunday School classes. Showmanship Campaign ! One of the largest manufacturers of children’s clothing, Lorett Togs, figures prominently in the “Barefoot Boy” promotion with a campaign that will delight the heart of the cooperative theatre showman. FREE SUITS OFFERED TO THEATRES IN JACKIE | «<Barefoot Boy’? Coloring MORAN TIE-UP! Contest Appeals To Kids ! Jackie Moran posed in the Whitman Bedford Cord Suit for school wear. Every store in the U. S. selling this| . ae i nproduct is being offered 11x14 displays of this still,| '"9 contest. The contest mat on this picture is a splen crediting the picture and the youthful star. If there is a store in your town handling this suit, a free suit of this merchandise is available to exhibitors for a giveaway at kids’ matinee. Here is an the youngsters in... investigate this promolion thoroughly. Los Angeles, Calif. Marcia Mae Jones is featured in three style creations of Lorett Togs and attractive 8x10 and 11x14 window and counter displays, and 30x40 enlargements are being made available to the 2,000 dealers who handle this line. Write immediately for list of dealers and display material, to: MR. P. BERGMAN LORETT TOGS, Inc. 505 EIGHTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY Ice Gream Soda Specials ! JACKIE MORAN Jackie Moran, Marcia Mae Jones and other youngsters in the cast have a time at the ice cream soda fountain . . . order special stills for special drink at local soda stores. This type of tie-up has been very successtul in other engagements. DRINKS MILK -A PROMOTION POSSIBILITY ! Milk groups advertise in many communities and movie stars figure prominently in their newspaper advertising. Still No. 122, showing Jackie Moran drinking milk, have been sent in the form of mats to every newspaper in the state by J. M. Mathes for the New York State Bureau of ‘Milk Publicity as part of their institutional campaign for milk dealers and distributors. Full credit to star and “Barefoot Boy” was given. Contact local dairies in working out a similar campaign. An old reliable in the field of showmanship is the color did subject for coloring and is good for newspapers or herald distribution. Offer passes as prizes to the most authentic work of art . . . . and sell youngsters on seeing the film. VALANCE FOR YOUR MARQUEE! Manufactured of transparent silkolene, the valance on “‘Barefoot Boy” gives you that gala ‘front’ so necessary in_ theatre exhibition today. Colorful and showmanly .. . you will find . it a great help in putting over your show. Low rental rates to first runs and correspondingly lower rentals to subsequent engagements. Order from: JACKIE Hollywood MORAN Advertising Co. MARCIA MAE 600 W. 45th Street New York City BIG 11x14 COLOR DISPLAYS PLUG FILM and CHILD STAR! Marcia Mae Jones has posed in a snow suit outfit, known everywhere as ‘“‘SkiSlides”, and manufactured by Artmor Togs. Reproduced is still No. M. M. Jones, P-22 which is available in elaborate 8x10 and 11x14 black and white and color easel displays. Check with the manufacturer regarding local outlets, as 3000 dealers handle this merchandise, and arrange a tieup with them. Write to: MR. J. H. PERPER ARTMOR TOGS, Inc. 142 WEST 36th STREET NEW YORK CITY